The Foreign Service Journal, March 2012
fied student would lose a grant, but the committee tries to find creative ways to continue the support for such students within AFSA policies. On the merit program side, sometimes parents simply don’t understand why their outstanding child has not re- ceived an award. The chair of the committee takes the responsibility of explaining the situation to the parents in such cases. Speaking Personally Participation in the committee for the past 15 years has been very rewarding for me. I have found it particularly grat- ifying when, as has hap- pened on several occa- sions, parents and former recipients comment on the importance of our committee’s work. But perhaps the most satisfying aspect is to be one of the judges for the Merit Awards and read the applicants’ essays. Their stories of growing up overseas, doing community service in underdeveloped areas, their churches and other organ- izations, and their travels in foreign countries are all gripping, real and well-written. Many of the applicants have helped children in the countries where their parents are stationed, volunteering in orphanages or in other ways, and share heart-warming stories. The judging process makes clear what an outstand- ing group the applicants are: capable, serious and dedicated to their educa- tion and to their communities. In closing, allow me to express my thanks to the several AFSA presidents and governing boards during my tenure, to all the members of the com- mittee over the years, to the volunteers who have participated in the judging of merit awards and, especially, to AFSA’s superb Scholarship Director, Lori Dec. Because each scholarship or award case has its special elements, Lori’s work is highly complex. It requires at- tention to detail and a thorough un- derstanding of family situations and the financial aid practices of many uni- versities. She is ably assisted by Jonathan Crawford, AFSA’s part-time scholarship assistant. There have been many develop- ments in the scholarship program since 1997. Most satisfying is the fact that AFSA has bestowed $1,538,840 in aid to 1,264 students during that pe- riod. Also noteworthy is that the value of the AFSA Scholarship Endowment has increased from about $3.7 million to almost $5 million. I am honored to have been part of those developments and to have had a hand in helping further the education of Foreign Service dependents. I con- gratulate Ambassador Lange Scher- merhorn on her assumption of the duties of the chair of the Scholarship Committee, and sincerely hope she enjoys it as much as I have. 38 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / M A R C H 2 0 1 2 Amb. C. Edward Dillery with AFSA President Susan Johnson at the January Governing Board meeting, where he was honored for his 15 years as the AFSA Scholarship Committee chairman. 2007 Art Merit winner EricaWickman plays her clarinet at the AFSA Scholar- ship Reception and Ceremony. Examples of visual arts submissions from winners in past years: the photography is by Sophia Hubler in 2011, the painting is by Joseph Kenny in 2009, and the ce- ramic bowl is by Odette Brock in 2003.
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