The Foreign Service Journal, March 2012
M A R C H 2 0 1 2 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 63 A F S A N E W S PAulINE ROsENsTEIN, PREsIdENT OF Redstone Financial Advisors, LLC, offers the following services: Fee-based asset man- agement, college planning, 529 Plans, estate planning, retirement planning, tactical asset allocation, wealth accumulation strategies, annuities, IRAs, 401(k)s, SEPs, mutual funds, stocks, bonds, in- surance. Her investment selection focuses on the client’s needs. Licensed in CA, DC, GA, MD, NY, TX, VA and WA, Pauline Rosen- stein is a registered representative and investment adviser repre- sentative who offers securities and advisory services through WRP Investments, Inc., a member of FINRA & SIPC. Redstone Financial Advisors, LLC. is not affiliated with WRP In- vestments, Inc. Securities activities and advisory services are su- pervised by WRP Investments, Inc. (4407 Belmont Ave., Youngstown, OH 44505, (330) 759-2023). 3416 Washington Dr. Falls Church, Va. 22041 Tel. (703) 931-4910. E-mail: Web site: PROFEssIONAl TAx RETuRN PREPARATION: Forty years in public tax practice. Arthur A. Granberg, EA, ATA, ATP. Our charges are $95 per hour. Most FS returns take 3 to 4 hours. Our office is 100 feet from Virginia Square Metro Station. Tax Matters Associ- ates PC, 3601 North Fairfax Dr., Arlington VA 22201. Tel: (703) 522-3828. Fax: (703) 522-5726. E-mail: FREE TAx cONsulTATION for overseas personnel. We process returns as received, without delay. Preparation and representa- tion by Enrolled Agents. Federal and all states prepared. Includes “TAX TRAX” unique mini-financial planning review with recom- mendations. Full planning available. Get the most from your fi- nancial dollar! Financial Forecasts Inc., Barry B. De Marr, CFP, EA, 3918 Prosperity Ave. #230, Fairfax VA 22031. Tel: (703) 289-1167. Fax: (703) 289-1178. E-mail: TAx & FINANcIAl PlANNINg sERVIcEs: Brenner & Elsea- Mandojana, LLC is a professional services firm that specializes in the tax, financial planning and business advisory needs of U.S. ex- patriates. Managing Member Christine Elsea-Mandojana, CPA, CFP®, is a Foreign Service spouse and understands the unique tax and financial planning challenges faced by FS professionals and their families. She provides individual tax planning, tax prepa- ration and individual financial planning services and offers e-filing for federal and state returns. Tel: (202) 657-4875. Fax: (301) 576-4415. E-mail: Web site: FINANcIAl PlANNINg FOR Fs FAmIlIEs. Carrington Financial Planning, LLC of Arlington, Va., provides financial planning serv- ices to Foreign Service families worldwide. Principal William Car- rington is a Foreign Service spouse with 18 years of FS experience. Web-based process provides customized, collaborative, financial planning services (TSP allocation, retirement planning, financial snapshot). Fee-only, fiduciary-standard, registered investment adviser. E-mail: Web site: dAVId l. mORTImER, cPA: Income Tax Planning and Prepara- tion for 20 years in Alexandria, VA. Free consultation. Tel: (703) 869-0272. E-mail: Website: TEMPORARY HOUSING ENjOY YOuR sTAY IN WAsHINgTON in historic guest rooms just blocks from the White House! Rooms available to DACOR members and their guests, $109/night/single, $125/night/double, all taxes and continental breakfast (M-F) included. For reservations call: (202) 682-0500, ext. 11. E-mail: Web site: FuRNIsHEd luxuRY APARTmENTs: Short/long-term. Best lo- cations: Dupont Circle, Georgetown. Utilities included. All price ranges/sizes. Parking available. Tel: (202) 296-4989. E-mail: PIEd-A-TERRE PROPERTIEs, lTd: Select from our unique in- ventory of completely furnished & tastefully decorated apartments & townhouses, all located in D.C.’s best in-town neighborhoods: Dupont, Georgetown, Foggy Bottom & the West End. Two-month minimum. Mother-Daughter Owned and Operated. Tel: (202) 462-0200. Fax: (202) 332-1406. E-mail: Web site: SHORT-TERM RENTALS • TEMPORARY HOUSING WAsHINgTON, d.c. OR NFATc TOuR? ExEcuTIVE HOusINg cONsulTANTs offers Metropolitan Washing- ton, D.C.’s finest portfolio of short-term, fully furnished and equipped apartments, townhomes and single-family resi- dences in Maryland, D.C. and Virginia. In Virginia: “River Place’s Finest” is steps to Rosslyn Metro and Georgetown, and 15 minutes on Metro bus or State Department shuttle to NFATC. For more info, please call (301) 951-4111, or visit our Web site at www.execu dc FuRNIsHEd ExTENdEd sTAY in Penn Quarter/Chinatown. The Lansburgh, 425 8th Street NW. 1-BR and 2-BR apartments w/fully equipped kitchens, CAC & heat, high-speed Internet, digi- tal cable TV w/ HBO, fitness center w/indoor pool, resident busi- ness center, 24-hour reception desk, full concierge service, secure parking available, controlled-entry building, 30-day minimum stay. Walk to Metro, FBI, DOJ, EPA, IRS, DOE, DHH, U.S. Capitol. Rates within government per diem. Discount for government, diplomats. Visit our Web site at: or call the leasing office at (888) 313-6240. cAPITOl HIll, FuRNIsHEd HOusINg: 1-3 blocks to Capitol. Nice places, great location. Well below per diem. Short-term OK. GSA small business and veteran-owned. Tel: (202) 544-4419. Web site: ARlINgTON FlATs: 1-BR, 2-BR, and 4-BR flats in 2 beautiful buildings 3 blks from Clarendon Metro. Newly renovated, com- pletely furnished, incl. all utilities/Internet/HDTV w/DVR. Parking, maid service, gym, rental car available. Rates start at $2,600/ month. Per diem OK. Min. 30 days. Tel: (571) 235-4289. E-mail: See 2-BR at Web site:
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