The Foreign Service Journal, March 2013
THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | MARCH 2013 19 sible pushback by those opposed to the government there caused many in the bureaucracy to recommend against even discussing the issue. This was despite the fact that the security situation at the time called for a review of our ability to provide adequate protection for mis- sion personnel in the absence of better or closer relations with local security forces. Recovering the Edge On the carousel of life, the Foreign Service too often prefers to ride the inner horses instead of getting on the outside, where the ride is faster and the brass rings are there to reach for. The Foreign Service doesn’t have to become like the Pentagon to recover its edge. But there’s nothing wrong with drawing on the best practices of other institutions to improve effectiveness. And the only way for us to regain our pre-eminence within the foreign policy establishment is to come out of the bun- ker and promote innovation, managed risk-taking and innovation. Risk-takers and innovators, as well as those willing to challenge the system, shouldn’t just receive AFSA’s construc- tive dissent awards, important as those are. They should be recognized by the foreign affairs agencies where they work. Promotion precepts should include managed risk-taking as one of the benchmarks for advancement. In addition, there should be courses, in residence at FSI or distance learning, on innovative leadership in a Foreign Service context. This won’t change the culture overnight, but it will start the process. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. n A time of service…a time of need Help for Seniors May Be Just a Phone Call Away— Home Health Care Adult Day Care & Respite Care Prescription Drug Copayments Transportation to Medical Appointments Durable Medical Equipment For more information, please contact the SENIOR LIVING FOUNDATION OF THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE 1716 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20036-2902 Phone: (202) 887-8170 Fax: (202) 872-9320 E-Mail: W eb Site: The Senior Living Foundation may be able to help you or someone you know. Some examples of assistance are: SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION
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