The Foreign Service Journal, March 2013
THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | MARCH 2013 51 2012 AFSA ANNUAL REPORT AFSA NEWS tently contributes to the greater good. Stock Act AFSA reaffirmed its leadership role as the “Voice of the Foreign Service” by developing strategic partner- ships with sister organiza- tions to address issues like the Stop Trading on Congres- sional Knowledge Act. We are proud to report that the coalition was successful in getting Congress to post- pone implementation of the STOCK Act’s Internet posting provisions—which could have potentially jeopardized the privacy and security of many career federal employees and their families. AFSA will con- tinue to work for the elimina- tion of such a provision. AFSA also provided valuable testimony during congressional hearings and helped educate congres- sional offices about budget priorities and personnel security, among other impor- tant issues. AFSA sent letters to key Advocacy: Renewed Efforts on Many Fronts As part of AFSA’s efforts to advance its mission during 2012, the legislative affairs department evolved into a multifaceted entity that sought the best practices possible to achieve our legis- lative goals during the 112th Congress. Javier Cuebas, AFSA’s new director of advocacy, comes from the private sector, where he regularly managed national issue-driven cam- paigns on behalf of corpora- tions and nonprofit groups. Together with Clint Lohse, AFSA’s legislative assistant and a former Senate staffer, he monitors and forecasts congressional actions. AFSA on Capitol Hill Drawing on AFSA’s formi- dable reputation as an expert on diplomacy, the advocacy department dedicated much of 2012 to developing a constituency/issue-driven strategic outreach and mobilization plan that clearly shows key stakeholders how the Foreign Service consis- BY JAVIER S. CUEBAS, DIRECTOR OF ADVOCACY, AND CLINT LOHSE, LEGISLATIVE ASSISTANT Advocacy Staff (left to right): Legislative Assistant Clint Lohse and Director of Advocy Javier S. Cuebas. committees dealing with the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi and briefed staffers about the need to get the risk/diplo- macy balance right. AFSA commended the Accountabil- ity Review Board report on Benghazi and continues to promote the implementation of its recommendations. AFSA organized and hosted a luncheon honoring retiring Richard Lugar, R-Ind., a longtime ranking member and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Your Support Thanks to your support, once again, the association’s politi- cal action committee, AFSA- PAC, played an essential role in advancing our legislative agenda. Retired Ambassador Thomas Boyatt, President Susan Johnson, Executive Director Ian Houston and other members of the PAC board made sure that AFSA’s top priorities were presented to congressional leaders during special functions and events. n Senator Richard Lugar, R-Ind., receives a plaque from AFSA President Susan Johnson at a luncheon in his honor. PHOTOSBYDONNAAYERST
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