The Foreign Service Journal, March 2013
THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | MARCH 2013 69 WOMEN IN SECURITY AND DEVELOPMENT FOCUS AFSA NEWS CALENDAR 6/18/2012 4:30 – 6:30 PM GLIFAA Awards Ceremony 6/26/2012 4:00 – 6:00 PM AFSA Awards Ceremony 6/27/2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM Luncheon: 167th A-100 Class 7/4/2012 8:00 – 5:00 PM Independence Day: AFSA Offices Closed 7/10/2012 2:00 – 3:30 PM AFSA Book Notes: “The Dissent Papers” 7/11/2012 12:00 – 2:00 PM AFSA Governing Board Meeting 8/8/2012 12:00 – 2:00 PM AFSA Governing Board Meeting 9/3/2012 8:00 – 5:00 PM AFSA Governing Board Meeting 9/5/2012 12:00 – 2:00 PM AFSA Governing Board Meeting 10/3/2012 12:00 – 2:00 PM AFSA Governing Board Meeting THE OFFICIAL R CORD OF THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION CALENDAR 3/6/2013 12:00 - 2:00 PM AFSA Governing Board Meeting 3/6/2013 Deadline: AFSA Financial Aid Applications 3/10 - 3/14/2013 AFSA Road Scholar Program 3/17 - 3/20/2013 AFSA Road Scholar Program 4/3/2013 12:00 - 2:00 PM AFSA Governing Board Meeting 4/7 - 4/10/2013 AFSA Road Scholar Program 4/10/2013 2:00 - 3:30 PM Seminar: Eldercare and Health Management 4/15/2013 Deadline: AFSA High School Essay Contest 5/1/2013 12:00 - 2:00 PM AFSA Governing Board Meeting 5/3/2013 Foreign Affairs Day/AFSA Memorial Plaque Ceremony 5/5/2013 Public Service Recognition Day 5K Run/Walk 5/22/2013 2:00 - 3:30 PM AFSA Book Notes: “Master Class” AFSA Joins the Board of FEEA The American Foreign Ser- vice Association has joined the board of the Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund. FEEA is an important asset to Foreign Service members and other federal employees by providing assistance to FS personnel and their family members. The organization manages the Diplomatic Fund, which helps pay the cost of college tuition for children of diplomats slain by terrorists. This fund was originally established by the Departments of State and Defense in August 1995 to help the families of three individuals who were killed while on a diplomatic mission in Bosnia. With the Diplomatic Fund, FEEA has provided over $10.2 million in scholarships to more than 8,000 students. There are currently scholarships for more than 300 students who lost a parent in the Oklahoma City bombing, the 1998 terrorist attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa and at the Pentagon on 9/11. The goal is to raise enough money to provide full scholarships to the students currently identified, as well as to make the same promise to students who lose a diplo- matic parent to terrorists in the future. As the number of diplo- mats slain by terrorists sadly increases, it seems more BY JENNIFER LOWRY, AFSA STAFF important than ever for AFSA to join the FEEA board. FEEA’s contributions to federal employees and their families extend far beyond scholarships. They also offer emergency assistance to federal families struggling to meet basic living expenses. More than $7. 7 million in emergency no-interest loans and grants to over 13,000 federal employees have been provided over the last 25 years. Included in these amounts are grants and loans following major disas- ters like Hurricanes Andrew and Katrina, the Oklahoma City bombing and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. FEEA is the only non-profit organization devoted solely to helping civilian federal employees. Its simple, yet significant, mission speaks volumes: to assist civilian federal employees whenever and wherever the need arises. With the unique nature of the Foreign Service, we hope that our input on the FEEA board will help in making decisions related to our nation’s diplomatic service. We look forward to participating in FEEA’s important work and sharing this new experience with our members. Please consider joining in FEEA’s charity 5K run/walk on May 5. Learn more at n Notice: AFSA Governing Board Elections Please visit the AFSAWeb site to learn more about the current AFSA Governing Board Elections, includ- ing a list of candidates and access to the online forums for discussing campaign issue s www.afsa. org/elections. A ll members in good standing as of March 15, should receive a ballot to be mailed on or about April 15. In the event that you do not receive your ballot, please contact For the first time, members for whom we have an e- mail address will have the option of voting online. NEWS BRIEF More than $7. 7 million in emergency no-interest loans and grants to over 13,000 federal employees have been provided over the last 25 years.
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