The Foreign Service Journal, March 2017

66 MARCH 2017 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL AFSA NEWS Gertrude Stewart Memorial Scholarship. He is attending Colorado State University. 18. Dillon Cummings— recipi- ent of the Edith K. andWilbur J. Carr Memorial Scholar- ship, the John Foster Dulles Memorial Scholarship and the Ernest V. Siracusa Memorial Scholarship. He is attending Colorado State University. 19. Kristina Cummings— recipient of the Elizabeth M. andWilliam E. Cole Memorial Scholarship and the Dorothy Osborne and Theodore Xan- thaky Memorial Scholarship. She is attending Concordia University, Canada. 20. Lisa Curbow— recipient of the Anthony G. Freeman Memorial Scholarship and the Dorothy Osborne and Theodore Xanthaky Memorial Scholarship. She is attend- ing the University of Central Florida. 21. Alexander Dougherty— recipient of the Linda K. Fitzgerald Memorial Scholar- ship, the Harriet Winsar Isom Scholarship and the Dorothy Osborne and Theodore Xan- thaky Memorial Scholarship. He is attending the University of California, Davis. 22. Stephen Feldmayer— recipient of the Louis C. and Valeria Hebert Memorial Scholarship and the Kiang Fund for Excellence Scholar- ship. He is attendingWest Chester University. 23. Justin Green— recipi- ent of the Terence Flannery Annual Memorial Scholar- ship and the Lawsuit over the Movie “Missing” Scholarship. He is attending Richard Bland College. 24. Cierra Hackler— recipient of the Elbert G. and Naomi M. Mathews Memorial Schol- arship and the Elizabeh N. Landeau Memorial Scholar- ship. She is attending Molloy College. 25. Rhea Hanks— recipient of theWilliam Leonhart Memo- rial Scholarship and the Elbert G. and Naomi M. Mathews Memorial Scholarship. She is attending the University of Oklahoma. 26. Sophie Hannah— recipi- ent of the Linda K. Fitzgerald Memorial Scholarship and the Horace J. and Evelyn K. Nick- les Memorial Scholarship. She is attending James Madison University. 27. Erin Harris— recipient of the Rose Marie Asch Schol- arship, the Dalton V. Killion Memorial Scholarship and the Gertrude Stewart Memorial Scholarship. She is attending Bowdoin College. 28. Raina Haynes-Klaver— recipient of the George and Mattie Newman Memorial Scholarship and the C. Mon- tagu and Francis M. Pigott Memorial Scholarship. She Joshua Lane-Holman McMackle Memorial Scholarship Ms. Tracy McMackle, a Foreign Service officer with the Foreign Agricultural Service, established this scholarship in memory of her son, Joshua. Joshua was tragi- cally shot in the final weeks of his freshman year at Texas Southern University, passing away in 2010. Joshua was born in 1991 in Belgium, and spent the majority of his life living abroad in Bonn, Berlin, Moscow and Tokyo. He began attending Ran- dolph-Macon Academy in his final two years of high school, where he learned to fly and played on the varsity basketball team. Being a “third culture kid,” he found it easier to say he was from his father’s home state of Virginia, earning him the nickname “VA.” In 2015, his mother was able to accrue the funds to bring this tribute to fruition. She says: “It gives me com- fort to know that Joshua’s name will live on, and that this memorial scholarship will be helping others.” [AFSA’s] generosity helps students like me achieve our goals and pursue our interests in international affairs. —Benjamin Murphy Pineda, Sophomore, Santa Barbara City College Recipients of the 2016-2017 AFSA Financial Aid Scholarships. See numbered list for the name of each recipient, their school and the named award they received. ALL IMAGESCOURTESYOFTHEIRSUBJECTS