The Foreign Service Journal, March 2017

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | MARCH 2017 67 AFSA NEWS is attending San Jose State University. 29. Abigail Hill— recipient of the Louis C. and Valeria Hebert Memorial Scholarship and Elbert G. and Naomi M. Mathews Memorial Scholar- ship. She is attending Mount Holyoke College. 30. William Holtrop— recipi- ent of the Linda K. Fitzgerald Memorial Scholarship and the George and Mattie Newman Memorial Scholarship. He is attending Calvin College. 31. Luke Howlett— recipient of the DACOR Bacon House Foundation/Heyward G. Hill Memorial Scholarship. He is attending St. Lawrence University. 32. John Huyett— recipient of the Linda K. Fitzgerald Memo- rial Scholarship and the Oliver Bishop Harriman Memorial Scholarship. He is attend- ing the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. 33. Liam Kierans— recipient of the DACOR Bacon House Foundation/Heyward G. Hill Memorial Scholarship. He is attending the College of Wil- liam& Mary. 34. Christopher Martinez— recipient of the David D. New- somMemorial Scholarship, the Martin G. Patterson Memorial Scholarship and the Lowell C. Pinkerton Memorial Scholar- ship. He is attending Tecno- logico de Monterrey, Mexico. 35. Allison May— recipient of the Harriet P. Culley Memo- rial Scholarship, the Victor H. Skiles Memorial and Ruth Nay Skiles Scholarship, and the SheldonWhitehouse Memo- rial Scholarship. She is attend- ing George Mason University. 36. Connor McKinney— recipient of the DACOR Bacon House Foundation/Virginia Thurgood BinghamMemorial Scholarship. He is attending the University of California, Berkeley. 37. Kieran McKinney— recipi- ent of the Linda K. Fitzgerald Memorial Scholarship and the Louis C. and Valeria Hebert Memorial Scholarship. He is attending Virginia Tech Univer- sity. 38. Daniel Murphy Pineda— recipient of the DACOR Bacon House Foundation/Heyward G. Hill Memorial Scholarship. He is attending Santa Barbara City College. 39. Benjamin Murphy Pineda —recipient of the DACOR Bacon House Founda- tion/Heyward G. Hill Memorial Scholarship. He is attending Santa Barbara City College. 40. Jacob Murri— recipient of the Louis C. and Valeria Hebert Memorial Scholar- ship and the Elbert G. and Prabhi G. Kavaler Memorial Financial Aid Scholarship Prabhi Kavaler was one of 11 U.S. citizens killed in the terrorist bombing of the U.S. embassy in Nairobi on Aug. 7, 1998. She and her husband, had arrived in Kenya less than three weeks before the bombing and were at work at the embassy when the bomb exploded. Prabhi Kavaler was killed instantly and was buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Born in India, Mrs. Kavaler chose a second tour in Africa with her husband so they could introduce their young daughters to the exotic life offered by the Foreign Service. The couple had served in Pakistan, the Philip- pines, Israel, Paris and Nairobi (1990-1992). Howard Kavaler established an AFSA perpetual scholarship in his wife’s name in October 1998. For the past three years this scholarship program has provided much-needed funds to ease my financial burden while pursuing my degree. —Aidan Pazan, Senior, Ohio University Recipients of the 2016-2017 AFSA Financial Aid Scholarships. See numbered list for the name of each recipient, their school and the named award they received. ALL IMAGESCOURTESYOFTHEIRSUBJECTS