The Foreign Service Journal, March 2025

16 MARCH 2025 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL FOCUS Following the previous three U.S. presidential elections, and by way of welcoming each new administration, The Foreign Service Journal has invited Foreign Service members to offer input and recommendations to the new team. In mid-November 2024, we asked readers to respond to the following prompt: How can diplomacy and development practitioners of the Foreign Service best serve and advance America’s foreign policy interests for the new administration? What are your specific recommendations? About two dozen members of the Foreign Service community around the world responded with a wide range of thoughtful, and sometimes surprising, suggestions for the new administration to optimize foreign and development policy effectiveness. The following are their suggestions. These notes were all written prior to the inauguration. Because of current events at press time in midFebruary, the Journal’s editors took the unusual step of granting anonymity to authors who requested it. Several authors also requested to withdraw their notes before we went to press. As always, the views expressed in these notes are those of the authors and do not represent the views of AFSA or the U.S. government. —The Editors KOTRYNA ZUKAUSKAITE/THE I SPOT NOTES to the NEW ADMINISTRATION