The Foreign Service Journal, March 2025

AFSA NEWS 50 MARCH 2025 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL New Secretary Pays Tribute to Fallen FS CALENDAR Please check for the most up-to-date information. March 10 Deadline for AFSA Merit Scholarship Applications March 19 12-1:30 p.m. AFSA Governing Board Meeting March 26 12-1 p.m. Election Town Hall April 7 Deadline for AFSA Constructive Dissent and Exemplary Performance Award Nominations April 15 Deadline for AFSA Board Election Ballots April 16 12-1:30 p.m. AFSA Governing Board Meeting April 18 Deadline for AFSA Financial Aid Scholarship Applications May 1 AFSA Foreign Service Day Events May 2 Foreign Service Day Following the welcome ceremony for new Secretary of State Marco Rubio in the State Department’s C Street lobby, AFSA President Tom Yazdgerdi accompanied Secretary and Ms. Rubio to lay flowers and pay their respects at the AFSA Memorial Plaques. The memorial plaques, maintained by AFSA, honor colleagues who gave their lives in circumstances distinctive to overseas service. First unveiled in 1933, the plaques have evolved to include 321 names as of May 2022, commemorating sacrifices due to violence, natural disasters, disease, and accidents. AFSA continues to manage the plaques, as authorized by a 1933 joint resolution of Congress, and hosts an annual ceremony each May to unveil and honor newly inscribed names. See the full story about Rubio’s confirmation on page 11, and go to memorial-plaques to explore the history of plaques and the names inscribed on them. n Continued on page 54 U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT Secretary Marco Rubio at the AFSA Memorial Plaques. FSJ Hosts Publishing Panel and Book Market On Nov. 14, 2024, the AFSA Publications department and FSJ hosted a book market and publishing panel, bringing together Foreign Service community members and publishing professionals to demystify the journey from manuscript to publication. Shawn Dorman, AFSA publications director and editor in chief of The Foreign Service Journal, opened the panel event by pointing to the unique global perspectives of the Foreign Service community. Their stories, drawn from experiences across continents and cultures, Former AFSA Governing Board member Steve Herman (left) and AFSA FCS VP Joshua Burke. AFSA/HANNAH HARARI hold the potential to engage both niche and general audiences. The panel featured an outstanding lineup of publishing professionals: Kate Epstein, an editing coach and founder of EpsteinWords; Dara Kaye, a literary agent with