The Foreign Service Journal, April 2003

active in legislative outreach. In response to AFSA’s request, the association sent an appeal toWashington’s senators that pro- ducedthekeyco-sponsorshipof a successful Senate resolution calling for national recognition of Foreign Service Day. Lillian “Petey” Mullin Petey Mullin received the award in recognitionof her initiative anddedication indevelopingkeyAFSAoutreachprograms. Followingher retirement fromtheForeign Service in 1989, Mullin became acquaint- edwiththeElderhostelorganizationandhad the idea of devising an Elderhostel program to educateAmericans about the Foreign Service. She worked with other AFSA colleagues to create the ElderhostelForeignService program, launched in 1996. She continues to play a central role in these programs, which by 2003 hadgivenover 3,000par- ticipants an in-depth appreciationofAmerica’s professional diplomats. Realizing from the start the importance of maintaining ties with graduatesof theprogram,Mullindeveloped theconceptofFriendsoftheForeignService, whichAFSAhas nowinstitutedas anasso- ciation for anyone who wants to support theForeignService. In terms of the impact of herproposals andof the time shehas vol- unteered to help carry them out, Mullin’s contributions toAFSAconstituteanunpar- alleled model of retiree activism. E. Victor Niemeyer Jr. E. Victor Niemeyer Jr. received the award in recognition of his dynamic lead- ership in establishing a Foreign Service retiree association in central Texas. Following his retirement from the United States InformationAgency, Niemeyer set- tled in Austin, Texas, where he has remained internationally active, traveling and working with organizations like Rotary International and its Polio Plus program. Maintaining ties with dozens of other Foreign Service retirees in the Austin area, in 1994 Niemeyer organized them into the Central Texas Foreign Service Group, which he led for many years. Through his efforts, the members were exposed to high-quality foreign affairs speakers, initiated joint meetings with the SanAntonio group and engaged in public outreach activities including par- ticipation in Foreign Service recruiting events at local universities. In 2002, Niemeyer took the lead in organizing and coordinating an Elderhostel Foreign Service program in Austin. Ambassador James D. Rosenthal Ambassador James Rosenthal was pre- sentedwithhis awardbyAmbassador Ray Ewing and AFSA Retiree Liaison Ward Thompson, during their January trip to California. Amb. Rosenthal received the award in recognition of his extraordinary achievements in promoting awareness of foreign affairs and the Foreign Service in the San Francisco Bay Area. He retired fromthe ForeignService in1990, and since thenhas beenanactiveparticipant inmany area associations relating directly or indi- rectly to foreign affairs, including the Universityof SanFrancisco’sCenter for the Pacific Rim, theWorld Affairs Council of Northern California and the Marines MemorialAssociation inSanFrancisco. He served for many years as the Executive Director of the Commonwealth Club of California and is Chairmanof the Foreign ServiceAssociationofNorthernCalifornia. He lectures on international relations, recruits for theForeignService and engages the media on foreign policy issues. He actively supports AFSA’s outreach efforts in the area and provided key assistance in estab- lishing the Elderhostel Foreign Service program in Ventura County. Ambassador Robert J. Ryan Sr. Ambassador Robert J. Ryan Sr. received the award in recognition of his tireless efforts pro- moting public interest in foreign affairs. Following his retirement from the Foreign Service in 1972 and from the United Nations in 1977, Amb. Ryan became a model for Foreign Service retirees seeking to raise the quality of pub- licdiscussionofAmerica’s role in theworld. Since settling inFlorida, he has been active in local, state and national activities of the United Nations Association, has lectured on international relations, has recruited for the ForeignService andhas hadnumerous articles published in localmedia. As a long- time boardmember of the ForeignService Retirees Association of Florida, he has encouraged fellow retirees to help educate the public on foreign affairs. Amb. Ryan has also provided invaluable advice and assistance to AFSA’s public outreach efforts. AFSA is proud to salute these award winners for their work in helping to build a solid domestic constituency for the U.S. Foreign Service and for American diplomacy. ▫ APRIL 2003 • AFSA NEWS 7 Ambassador James Rosenthal speaking at a California Elderhostel program. Petey Mullin speaks before an Elderhostel group. Mary and Bob Ryan.