The Foreign Service Journal, April 2003

MacArthur II and his colorful wife Laura “Wahwee” MacArthur, the daughter of Vice President Alben Barkley. I now have about 20 such stories from 10 contributors, includ- ing their daughter Mimi, who lives in Belgium. Before going to press, I would be grateful if anyone who has heard such accounts — even apoc- ryphal ones—would send them to me at, or to P.O. Box 121, Thurman, IA 51654-0121. Tom Hutson FSO, retired Thurman, Iowa A P R I L 2 0 0 3 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 9 L E T T E R S Year-End Roundup of FOREIGN SERVICE AUTHORS As we have done each year since 2000, the November 2003 Foreign Service Journal will include a list of recently published books by Foreign Service-affiliated authors in a special section: “In Their Own Write.” FS authors who have had a book published either by a commercial or academic publisher last year or this year (2002-2003) that has not previously been featured in the roundup are invited to send a copy of the book, along with a press release or backgrounder with information on the author, to: Susan Maitra Associate Editor Foreign Service Journal 2101 E Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20037- 2990 Deadline for submissions