The Foreign Service Journal, April 2004

NGO communities. Last year, USAID conducted a study of its staffing at missions around the world and found that some bureaus in Latin America had more personnel than their funding warranted. For example, one mis- sion with a $125 million budget had five Foreign Service officers, while another with a $10 million budget had seven. Already, the agency has moved about 20 Foreign Service officers from its missions in Latin America to its Asia and Near East regional missions. The agency recently completed the first stage of a broader work force study, finishing a pilot analysis of staffers in the global health, work force procurement and human resources offices. In each division, the agency looked at the skills needed, the gap between needed skills and those of the existing work force, and at methods of closing the gaps. Getting to the rest of the work force may take at least another 18 months, say agency leaders. “When Mr. Natsios arrived in 2001, he found the [work force planning] systems completely erod- ed and dysfunctional,” Marshall told the House Government Reform Committee last year. “We’re giving it all the emphasis we can. We’re bringing in contractors, we’re recruiting for the expertise we lack, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. … And the turnaround of an organization in the state of dysfunction that USAID was in doesn’t happen overnight, either.” F O C U S A P R I L 2 0 0 4 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 39 USAID conducted a study of its staffing at missions around the world and found that some bureaus in Latin America had more personnel than their funding warranted. The Embassy Plan Overseas Insurance Personal Auto & Contents Coverage Experience that helps you avoid the pitfalls of a highly complex business. Repeat business that results from providing what’s best for the customer not the agent nor the insurance company. Since 1969, Harry M. Jannette International has provided dependable coverage with U.S. carriers with a financial rating of A+ or higher to thousands of Foreign Service Personnel worldwide. Thus you gain the broadest U.S. terms and conditions and flexible value limits often not available from other insurance carriers. MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED: SEE OUR WEBSITE APPLICATIONS Harry M. Jannette International, L.L.C. 8111 LBJ Freeway, Suite 585 Dallas, Texas 75251-1334 Toll Free (800) 256-5141 (972) 783-4915 Fax (972) 783-0545 E-mail: • WORLDWIDE COVERAGE Fire, theft, comprehensive and collision protection are available at foreign posts. • U.S. AUTO LIABILITY Available for short term on home leave, change of assignment, and new auto purchase prior to foreign departure. This coverage must be issued in combination with an “Embassy Plan” policy. • FOREIGN LIABILITY Contact your post for compliance with local laws, Excess liability limits are available over local liability coverage. • PERSONAL COVERAGE Household goods and transit, valuable articles, personal liability, life insurance . • EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION INSURANCE Employee association insurance Including directors and officers. Your Reliable Choice