The Foreign Service Journal, April 2004

70 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / A P R I L 2 0 0 4 R EAL E STATE The Simunek Team Zorita & Richard Simunek, Jerry Pritchett, Tachiea Roland-Morris and Tyiesha Taylor www.HOMESDATABASE.COM/SIMUNEK CLICK on Homes Prospector SPECIFY your criteria RECEIVE daily email updates of all new homes listed for sale with realtors directly from their computerized Multiple Listing Service 4600 Lee Highway Arlington VA 22207 703-284-9365 5101 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20016 202-296-4304 Call us today! (301) 657-3210 W ho’s taking care of your home while you’re away? N o one takes care of your home like we do! 6923 Fairfax Road u Bethesda, MD 20814 email: u REGULAR INSPECTIONS u ENJOY PEACE OF MIND u u COORDINATE MAINTENANCE u OVER 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE u REGULAR REPORTS u u PROPERTY MANAGEMENT FOR FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS u u RENTAL SERVICES u 24 HOUR ON-CALL SUPPORT u EXCELLENT REFERENCES u W hile you’re overseas, we’ll help you manage your home without the hassles. No panicky messages, just regular reports. No unexpected surprises, just peace of mind. Property management is our full time business. Let us take care of the details. T h e M e y e r s o n G r o u p , I n c.