The Foreign Service Journal, April 2005
American Foreign Service Association • April 2005 AFSA NEWS FSA-PAC operates on two distinct levels: statistical and situational. With respect to the former, matters are pret- ty straightforward. Funds raised, funds donated and towhom, number of discus- sions with congressional staff/principals and the like are recorded and analyzed. Themetrics of success are visible and eas- ily understood. Developments on the situational front are more subjective and nuanced and, accordingly, more difficult to measure. For example, one of our major objectives is for AFSA-PAC to become an integral part of the congressional scene. This entails establishing personal relationships with senators, members of Congress and their staffs wherever possible, attending fund-raisers and social events on the Hill and in their districts, and responding to requests for information and assistance. Measuring success in this dimension of A BUILDING A CONSTITUENCY AFSA-PAC: 2004 ANNUAL REPORT BY TOM BOYATT, AFSA-PAC TREASURER Inside This Issue: BRIEFS: USAID, FSNS, USAA ...........2 STATE: WHAT MAKES LOUISE MAD 4 NEW RETIREE OPPORTUNITIES.........4 FAS: THE WAY FORWARD.................5 USAID: GOOD INTENTIONS ...............6 CHECK FRAUD....................................7 YOU’RE TAKING THE KIDS?...............9 FOREIGN AFFAIRS DAY Join AFSA for Foreign Affairs Day May 6 F oreignAffairsDay, the annual home- coming for retiredStateDepartment employees, will be held this year on Friday,May 6. As is customaryduring this event, therewill be a brief ceremony at the site of the AFSA Memorial Plaques, to honor those members of the Foreign Service communitywhohave lost their lives overseas in the line of duty or under hero- ic or inspirational circumstances. The event offers a great opportunity to see old friends and catch up on happen- ings at FoggyBottom. AFSAplans tohold a reception following the Foreign Affairs Day program, so do stop by AFSA head- quarters. Markyour calendars nowsoyou can join AFSA for this important event. Invitationsweremailed inearlyMarch. The guest list includes everyone invited last year and everyone newly retired since Jan. 1, 2003. To make sure you’re on the list, e-mail Continued on page 3 Continued on page 3 AFSA ELECTIONS AFSA Elects New Governing Board A FSA is pleased to announce the winners of the AFSAGoverning Board election for the July 15, 2005, to July 15, 2007, term. The election results were certified by the AFSA Election Committee on March 2. The total number of ballots received was 2,561. Questions regarding the election shouldbedirected toAFSAExecutiveDirector Susan Reardonat (202) 944-5505/, orE lectionCommitteeChairRobertWozniak at (202) 686-0996. The 2005-2007 AFSAGoverning Board President Anthony Holmes Secretary Tex Harris Treasurer AndrewWinter USAID VP WilliamCarter FCS VP Donald Businger FAS VP Laura Scandurra State VP Steven Kashkett Retiree VP David Reuther USAID Rep Francisco Zamora FAS Rep Michael Conlon FCS Rep WilliamCenter IBB Rep Laurie Kassman State Reps (8) Bradford Bell Brian Cook Alan Misenheimer Joyce Namde Hugh Neighbour James Roseli Edward Vazquez Andrew Young Retiree Reps (4) Leonard J. Baldyga Roger Dankert Larry Lesser Gil Sheinbaum ▫
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