The Foreign Service Journal, April 2006
my postings in South America, the Caribbean, Russia, the Middle East, Africa and Washington, I have also had serious doubts about some of the policies of previous administrations. Until recently, however, I took some solace in the belief that State itself, while ultimately the policy-implemen- tation arm of the administration, was playing an important role within poli- cy-making councils as a voice of rea- son, experience and realism. I can no longer take such comfort. Like our intelligence agencies, State is increas- ingly becoming a mere political arm of the administration which, for political reasons, continues to exploit post- 9/11 emotions. One need not be an expert to see the damage that the conduct of the faultily-conceived, poorly-understood and ineptly executed Iraq War, as well as the politicization of the “War on Terrorism,” have done to our standing in the world and to the ideals that his- torically have been our most powerful attributes. We are failing to accurate- ly analyze why the world is responding as it is and instead focus our efforts on how to force the rest of the world to accept our values and perception of the way life should be. American leadership must, by example, be wor- thy of emulation, in order to build a worldwide support base. Force will not replace this long-term need, and the backlash will eventually obliterate the good for which the United States historically has been a beacon of light. Additionally, State is now unable to truly effectively serve as an adviser on, or implementer of, its public diploma- cy mission. State’s public diplomacy role is suffering from poor but superi- or-pleasing management, decreased funding and an inability to recognize and respond to current realities. Our best minds are often managing illu- sions or treating symptoms, not addressing underlying causes. Mean- while, the military, however, which has almost unlimited resources to pro- L E T T E R S u A P R I L 2 0 0 6 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 9 Fully furnished apartments and single family homes, with large spacious rooms, full sized kitchens, and housewares. Separate living, dining and sleeping areas. Hotel style amenities, including swimming pools, hot tubs, fitness centers, optional maid service and more. Rates within the TDY per diem. Whether you are with the Local, State or Federal Government agency or the military, Crimson offers superior solutions to fit your budget and per diem. Crimson Government Housing Solutions Include: Assignment Changes Evacuations Intern Programs International Visitors Project teams Relocations Short / Long Details TDY Training Crimson offers an exceptional value in temporary housing for government personnel. Our furnished apartments and single- family homes are a spacious and more luxurious alternative to the cramped quarters of a hotel room. 202.986.0433 888.233.7759
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