The Foreign Service Journal, April 2007
32 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / A P R I L 2 0 0 7 he suddenness with which Russia has re-emerged as a global political and eco- nomic power has stunned observers. This time, its power rests not on tanks and nuclear missiles but on oil and gas. Russia has become a critical supplier of energy to a world whose demand is growing rapidly. At the same time, thanks to soaring prices for these commodities, both the Russian state and its big corporations have turned into financial pow- erhouses. Is Russia’s newfound power only temporary, or will it last? F O C U S O N R U S S I A A N I MPOSSIBLE T RINITY ?: R ESOURCES , S PACE AND P EOPLE R USSIA ’ S FUTURE DEPENDS ON HOW IT MANAGES ITS RESOURCES , ITS SPACE AND ITS PEOPLE . B Y C LIFFORD G. G ADDY T Ben Fishman
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