The Foreign Service Journal, April 2008
F O C U S O N P o l i t i c a l I s l a m P OLITICAL I SLAM : A P RIMER FOR THE P ERPLEXED / 16 Washington policymakers should always bear in mind that political Islam may be our enemy or our friend, depending on the context. By Allen Keiswetter E NGAGING M ODERATE M USLIMS : R ISKS AND R EWARDS / 23 Engaging politically moderate Muslim leaders and institutions has been part of USAID’s mission in the Europe and Eurasia region since 2001. By David A. Atwood C LIMBING THE G REASED P OLE : T URKEY ’ S I SLAMIC D EMOCRACY / 29 Religion has been part of the battleground of politics in Turkey for decades, but the struggle over the issue has recently taken a new form. By George S. Harris A T RADITION OF T OLERANCE IN I NDONESIA O FFERS H OPE / 35 With the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia has the potential to help define Islam as moderate and progressive. By Kyai Haji Abdurrahman Wahid and C. Holland Taylor F E A T U R E H EART OF D ARKNESS / 43 Alfred Erdos’ son breaks the family silence to shed light on the tragic events of Aug. 31, 1971, in Equatorial Guinea. By Chris Erdos A F S A N E W S J OIN AFSA FOR F OREIGN A FFAIRS D AY / 51 N O M ORE B USINESS -C LASS T RAVEL / 51 M EMBERS U RGE W AR Z ONE T AX B REAK / 51 I N D EFENSE OF “T RADITIONAL ” D IPLOMACY / 53 AFSA P RESIDENT V ISITS R ETIREES , P RESENTS A WARD / 55 S INCLAIRE L ANGUAGE A WARD W INNERS A NNOUNCED / 55 N EEDED : A C OMMITMENT TO F IRST -C LASS R ETIREE S ERVICES / 56 FCS S URVEY H IGHLIGHTS “W ORSENING ” W ORKING C ONDITIONS / 57 FSJ C IRCULATION T OPS 15,000 / 57 C ALL FOR SOSA V OLUNTEER A WARD N OMINATIONS / 60 C LASSIFIEDS / 61 C ONTENTS April 2008 Volume 85, No. 4 Cover and inside illustration by Ben Fishman Images courtesy of P RESIDENT ’ S V IEWS / 5 Win One for Diplomacy By John K. Naland S PEAKING O UT / 1 3 Needed: A New Foreign Service Agenda By Alphonse F. La Porta R EFLECTIONS / 68 Easter in Bombay By Victoria Hess L ETTERS / 6 C YBERNOTES / 10 M ARKETPLACE / 12 P ROPERTY M ANAGEMENT G UIDE / 15 E XTENDED -S TAY H OUSING G UIDE / 41 B OOKS / 49 I NDEX TO A DVERTISERS / 66 A P R I L 2 0 0 8 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 3 J O U R N A L OREIGN ERVICE S F
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