The Foreign Service Journal, April 2008
F O C U S 40 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / A P R I L 2 0 0 8 affirmed religious tolerance as “a blessing for all cre- ation.” Executed in partnership with the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the summit showcased Indonesia’s ability to play a unique and constructive role in promot- ing tolerance between religions, and discrediting the ideology of hatred. Another example of LibForAll’s unique approach has been its work with Muslim rock star Ahmad Dhani, who has generated years of saturation media coverage for anti-extremism messages. He has released two best- selling albums and numerous songs that have risen to the top of the charts in Indonesia and on MTV Asia, including a “Musical Fatwa” against religious hatred and terrorism. LibForAll is now aiming to replicate this success worldwide with pop stars in every significant cultural, linguistic and commercial music market in the Islamic world. The many and diverse Indonesian leaders associated with the foundation are not content to help stem the tide of radical Islam at home, as evidenced by the land- mark visit to Israel and Palestine in December 2007 by a LibForAll peace delegation. Prominent NU and Mu- hammadiyah clerics established links with moderates there to promote mutual understanding and respect as the basis for a lasting peace. In the words of renowned Muslim cleric Kyai Haji A. Mustofa Bisri, “It’s not possible to extinguish fire with fire. It takes water.” We cannot extinguish hatred by resorting to hatred. Rather, it requires the courage and humility to approach “the other” in a spirit of divine love and compassion. With its traditions of religious pluralism and toler- ance, Indonesia and its civil society are ideally posi- tioned to serve as mediators, helping to remove the poi- son of religious hatred that has long afflicted the Middle East. By integrating its rich spiritual traditions with the best of modern practices, Indonesian Islam can serve as a model for Islamic civilization worldwide and help inspire a similar renaissance of Islamic spirituality and tolerance in other parts of our troubled world.
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