The Foreign Service Journal, April 2009
J O U R N A L OREIGN ERVICE S F P RESIDENT ’ S V IEWS / 5 Thinking About Tomorrow By John K. Naland S PEAKING O UT / 13 Expanding Language Capacity Through Incentive Pay By Mark Allen R EFLECTIONS / 68 Recalling Lockerbie By Mitchell Cohn L ETTERS / 6 C YBERNOTES / 10 M ARKETPLACE / 12 B OOKS / 51 I N M EMORY / 55 I NDEX TO A DVERTISERS / 66 Cover and inside illustrations by Jean Francois Podevin F O C U S O N N AT O a t 6 0 S TILL THE B EST V EHICLE FOR E NGAGING WITH E UROPE / 15 Despite shifting perceptions and geopolitical equations, the Atlantic Alliance remains a powerful tool for building on 60 years of common defense. By Gerald Loftus A NSWERING THE H ARD Q UESTIONS / 22 The Alliance must recognize that its current internal differences are real, and that surmounting them will require a greater sustained effort than in the past. By Joseph R. Wood T HE R USSIA F ACTOR / 28 The development of a sustainable, mutually beneficial relationship with Moscow remains a major piece of unfinished business for NATO. By Paul Fritch F E A T U R E W HEN AN FS S POUSE C OMES “H OME ”: A S TUDY / 33 Re-entry to the U.S. after living overseas involves adjustments that are not always easy. This study identifies some of the fault lines between success and failure. By Sharon Maybarduk A F S A N E W S F OREIGN A FFAIRS D AY : M AY 1 / 39 P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT I NITIATIVE / 39 N EWS B RIEFS / 40 VP S TATE : A LL E YES ON H ER / 41 VP R ETIREE : L AWS C AN C HANGE / 42 R E -E MPLOYED A NNUITANTS / 42 VP FCS: T HE B EST OF T IMES OR THE W ORST OF T IMES ? / 43 SOSA A WARDS / 44 F AMILY M EMBER M ATTERS : L IVING IN THE B UBBLE / 45 T HE L IGHTER S IDE : L EAVING THE F OREIGN S ERVICE / 46 F OREIGN S ERVICE Y OUTH C ONTESTS / 47 10 Y EARS AT AFSA: S TEVE H ONLEY / 48 S INCLAIRE A WARD W INNERS / 48 C LASSIFIEDS / 49 A P R I L 2 0 0 9 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 3 C ONTENTS April 2009 Volume 86, No. 4
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