The Foreign Service Journal, April 2009

A P R I L 2 0 0 9 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 57 Animal Research Station; and he managed the archeological dig site at Point Barrow, Alaska. In 1993, he moved to Olympia, Wash., where he was actively involved with the Olym- pia Opera Guild, the Olympian news- paper editorial board, the South Puget Sound Community College In- ternational Education advisory board, the Sherlock Holmes Society and the Olympia World Affairs Council. He also volunteered for many years with Olympic Wildlife Rescue. Mr. Fry’s family and many friends remember him as a gentle scholarly person, a Renaissance man with di- verse interests and abilities, stunning analytical and research skills and a quick wit. He is survived by his wife, Louise; three nephews; two nieces; and six great-nieces and nephews. His only sibling, Charolette Showalter, passed away in 2006. Memorial contribu- tions may be made to The Snow Leo- pard Trust, . Harry Haven Kendall , 89, a retired FSO with the United States Informa- tion Agency, died on Jan. 18 in Oak- land, Calif., after a long illness. Mr. Kendall was born in Lake Charles, La. In 1940, he enlisted in the Army Airways Communication Squad- ron and trained as a radio operator at Scott Field, Ill. Subsequently he served at air bases in Florida, Texas and Louisiana. In 1943, as part of the 14th Air Force under General Claire Chen- nault, he was posted to China to han- dle communications in support of air traffic from India supplying American and Chinese forces fighting Japan. Starting in November 1944, he helped prepare weather reports for U.S. oper- ations over Japan. After the war, he completed a B.A. in journalism and political science at Louisiana State University and anM.A. in international relations at Yale Uni- versity. He pursued post-graduate work at the University of North Car- olina in Chapel Hill and worked as a re- porter for the Charlotte Observer. In 1951, he married Margaret Munch of Chapel Hill, who accompanied him throughout his Foreign Service career. Mr. Kendall joined the U.S. Infor- I N M E M O R Y