The Foreign Service Journal, April 2009

A P R I L 2 0 0 9 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 59 ing another black township outside Jo- hannesburg, she was asked to help judge a teenage beauty contest, be- cause the organizers and participants knew she would be fair. At every post, the couple traveled as much as possible, and when he retired and they returned to Washington in 1991, Mrs. Leifert studied to become a certified travel agent. For a decade, she offered her clients guidance de- rived from a lifetime of her own travel experiences. She eventually retired due to a combination of her declining health and the inroads of the Internet into the travel business. Mrs. Leifert is survived by her hus- band of 38 years, Harvey, of Bethesda, Md., and a sister Jacqueline Stahli of Twann, Switzerland. Wayne P. Molstad , 52, a retired FSO with the Foreign Agricultural Service, died on Jan. 19 in Holmen, Wis., as the result of ALS (Lou Geh- rig’s disease). Mr. Molstad was born in La Crosse, Wis. He graduated with a B.A. from Cardinal Stritch University and earned anM.S. in professional studies (focused on agricultural economics) from Cor- nell University. He then served as an agriculture and rural development Peace Corps Volunteer in Senegal from 1977 to 1984. On June 9, 1984, he mar- ried Eleonore “Elli” Carter, who ac- companied him throughout his 23-year FAS career. His first overseas posting, as agri- cultural attaché in Beijing from 1990 to 1992, was followed by a tour as di- rector of the Agricultural Trade Of- fice in Guangzhou from 1992 to 1995. He served as agricultural counselor in Warsaw (2001-2005) and as minister-counselor for agricultural affairs in Ottawa (2007-2008). He also worked at FAS in Washington, D.C., on trade policy, marketing, ca- pacity-building development and ad- ministrative leadership. From 2005 to 2006, he served as the chief of staff for the FAS administrator and then, from 2006 to 2007, as the avian in- fluenza international liaison for the Office of Science and Technological Affairs. Among his laurels are many meri- torious service awards from FAS, the Cardinal Stritch Award for Profes- sional Distinction and an award from I N M E M O R Y