The Foreign Service Journal, April 2009
60 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / A P R I L 2 0 0 9 the Food and Drug Administration for extraordinary leadership in executing international outreach activities on the Public Health Security & Bioterrorism Preparedness & Response Act of 2002. Although Mr. Molstad was very ac- tive in his professional life, he was also a leader in his community. He served as a Cub Scout den leader, a Cub mas- ter and a scoutmaster. Following the diagnosis of ALS, Mr. Molstad and his family moved to Holmen to be closer to extended family. In addition to his wife, Elli, he is survived by two sons: Sean, a college student in Virginia, and Paul of Hol- men; three brothers: James of Westby, Wis.; Dean of Sussex, Wis.; and John of Ontario, Wis.; and a sister-in-law, Jo- lene Molstad of LaFarge, Wis. He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother, Garry, who also died from ALS in 2007. Colette Francoise Moran , 54, wife of retired FSO (and current State De- partment Civil Service employee) Rog- er James Moran, died in Alexandria, Va., on Dec. 3, 2008, after a 13-year struggle with breast cancer. Born in Nice, France, the daughter of a police inspector and a former singer and actress, Mrs. Moranmet her future husband, then on a junior year abroad, when both were students at the University of Nice in 1973. After com- pleting her licence ès lettres in French literature as well as a certificate in lin- guistics there, she earned a master’s de- gree in French at the University of Akron and an A.B.D. at Ohio State University. She taught at both schools, as well as at The George Washington University, OhioUniversity’s program in Quebec and the American Cultural Center and the French School in Coto- nou. Mrs. Moran also worked as a sec- retary at Embassy Yaounde and at the Federal Aviation Administration office in Embassy Paris. As the spouse of a naval officer (who later became a Foreign Service officer), Mrs. Moran lived successively in San Francisco, NewYork, Alexandria, Hong I N M E M O R Y
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