The Foreign Service Journal, April 2010
A P R I L 2 0 1 0 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 47 Embassy Bratislava. “Their children combined the best in both of them. Baptiste had an impish streak and loved spraying my dog with the hose in the backyard while also flirting with the ladies.” “Throughout the entire tragedy, it has been Evan’s words that ring most often in my ears,” Beamer contin- ued. “When Evan was young and Andy and Laurence would visit, they would typically put him down in our bed- room after dinner. I have never witnessed anyone with such an unbridled joy for bedtime. ‘Le lit, le lit, j’adore le lit (I love bed!)’ he would squeal as he rolled himself up in the covers. If all of us had just a tenth of that joy for the things in our daily routine, the world would be a better place. “Rest in peace and joy, friends,” he concluded. As part of honoring the memory of those we have lost, AFSA opened an online condolence and remembrance page at Please share your thoughts on those who gave their lives with an e-mail to They will be posted each day. ■ F O C U S A t least six Embassy Port-au-Prince Foreign Service National employees lost their lives in the earthquake, and many are still miss- ing. All have suffered grievous losses in terms of homes and extended family members. The Foreign Service National Emergency Relief Fund enables the Department of State to respond to crises affecting locally employed staff overseas. To donate, send a check to the department’s Gift Fund Coordinator Donna Bordley, RM/CFO, Rm. 7427, 2201 C Street NW, Washington DC 20520. Make checks payable to the U.S. Department of State, designated for the “FSN Emergency Relief Fund.” State and USAID employees may also check their intranet for guidance on donation by cash or credit card.
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