The Foreign Service Journal, April 2011

A P R I L 2 0 1 1 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 17 s carrying a gun the only way for women to get a place at the peace table? This provocative question was posed by one of the participants at the Women and War Conference held in Washington, D.C., last No- vember. Indeed, most peace negotiations are dominated by men, many of whomwere once active combatants in the con- flict being settled. Isn’t it time for the negotiating table to be set for those who are going to build the peace, including women? F OCUS ON W OMEN IN S ECUR I TY AND D EVELOPMENT W HY W OMEN ’ S I NVOLVEMENT IN P EACEBUILDING M ATTERS F OR THE WORLD TO MOVE FORWARD ON SECURITY ISSUES IN AN EFFECTIVE MANNER , WOMEN WILL NEED TO PLAY A GREATER ROLE IN THE PROCESS . B Y K ATHLEEN K UEHNAST Ben Fishman I