The Foreign Service Journal, April 2012

A P R I L 2 0 1 2 / F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L 57 A FSA President Susan R. Johnson and Executive Dir- ector IanHoustonmet with former Secretary of State George ShultzonFriday, Feb. 3, inPaloAlto, Calif. Secretary Shultz shared his perspectives on how to strength- en the Foreign Service andways to promote better governance with- in AFSA. Sec. Shultz, who contributed the lead article to the Foreign Service Journal ’s December com- memoration of the 20th anniver- sary of theUSSR’s dissolution, reit- erated his long-held view of the impor- tance of empowering constitutionally mandated officials within State and the Foreign Service, rather than appointing policy “czars” who are not accountable to Congress and the American people. In response to a question from Pres. Johnson about ways to further strength- en the Foreign Service Institute, Sec. Shultz drew on his experience teaching at the U.S. Naval Academy to enhance diplomatic training and education. Johnson and Houston conveyed the deep appreciation of the Foreign Service for Sec. Shultz’s many contributions to diplomacy and for his support for AFSA. On Saturday, Feb. 4, Johnson spoke to more than 40 members of the Foreign Service Association of Northern California and their guests at a luncheon in Berkeley. She presented an overview of AFSA’s efforts in a variety of areas, including governance, pro- fessionalism, core advocacy, image and outreach, and membership and development. Johnson emphasized AFSA’s support for the international affairs budget request, detailed its hard work to protect Foreign Service pensions and benefits, and explained where the State Department and USAID are in terms of implement- ing recommendations of theQuadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review. A lively Q&A session followed, after which FSANCPresident James Rosenthal thanked Johnson for the comprehensive discussion. A F S A N E W S AFSA Meets George Shultz and Northern California Retirees BY TOM SWITZER, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS W hile working as a contractor in theU.S.Agency for International Development’s Latin America and Caribbean Bureau, and later living in Africa and Jamaicawithher husband, Ron Stryker, a USAID Foreign Service officer, Karen Menczer noticed that animal wel- fare organizations in poor countries have the drive and knowledge to help animals, but lack resources. Consequently, time spent on fundraising activities equates to less time actually helping the animals. Acting on that realization, in July 2007 Menczer created Animal-Kind Interna- tional, anonprofit organizationwhose goal is to linkdonors inwealthier countrieswith needy animal welfare organizationsworld- wide. AKI raises money and collects sup- plies for partner organizations; tracks the use of donor funds; and when donors are interested, connects themdirectlywithpart- ner organizations so they can findout first- handhowtheir support is helping animals. AKI follows a due diligence process to ensurepartner organizations have adequate and transparent accounting mea- sures, and are able to track AKI funds and report back to AKI on their use. The organization sends 100 percent of donations to part- ner organizations. AKI’s core support comes from individuals and student groups who have visited countries where it haspartnerorganizationsor from those who just want to help “the neediest of the needy.” For exam- ple, supporthas come fromagroup of kids atCampDoglando inOrlando, Fla.; theStopInjusticeandCrueltyClubatWard MelvilleHighSchool inLong Island, N.Y.; anda tourist group that contactedAKI after witnessing the torturous journeyof livestock Helping Those Who Help Animals BY ELIZABETH HASKETT With funding fromAnimal Kind International, theUganda Society for the Protection and Care of Animals provided sterilization for the dogs living at Sister Gemma’s orphanage in Entebbe. Left to right: Former Ambassador Ted Elliot, AFSAPresident Susan Johnson and former Ambassador James Rosenthal, president of the Foreign Service Association of Northern California, at a luncheon for FS retirees in Berkeley on Feb. 4. Continued on page 58 KATIA RUIZ ALLARD On Feb. 3, former Secretary of State George Shultz and Susan Johnson, AFSA president, meet at his home in PaloAlto to discussways to strength- en the Foreign Service. IAN HOUSTON GEORGE MU