The Foreign Service Journal, April 2012

foreign affairs expertise. Instead, the process of formulating and im plementing foreign policy now en- compasses domestic agencies and non-state actors, as well. No longer the doorkeepers to the inner sanctum of policymaking, Rana explains, foreign ministries nowmainly play the role of coordinator. In that ca- pacity, they earn respect through the contributions they make to promoting the interests of their governments, not for any “notional primacy” in foreign affairs. And just as foreign affairs agen- cies must now become proficient at networking, so, too, must individual diplomats. (This view fits nicely with the “whole of government” approach, incidentally.) 21st-Century Diplomacy is a de- tailed guide to tradecraft, not merely a hortatory plea for doing better, some- how. In just 20 chapters, Rana me- thodically outlines the entire pro- fession. After describing the distinc- tive characteristics of the various types of diplomacy (including such new types as diaspora diplomacy), he ex- plains how today’s ministry of foreign affairs functions as a distinctive bu- reaucratic institution, using examples of and reports about various reform ef- forts around the world. A chapter on the “reinvented embassy” is particular enlightening — and comforting to those who believe that the era of the resident embassy is not yet over. Throughout his book, Rana defines terms and practices, summarizes or- ganizations, explains attitudes and de- bunks myths about the diplomatic career. One especially innovative chap- ter presents four training exercises or simulations, each designed to illustrate practical aspects of diplomacy and serve as a realistic guide to the daily work of the profession. Rana goes on to discuss foreign af- fairs decision-making, offering sugges- tions for enhancing performance and examining the role of new information and communications technologies. Along the way, he dispenses sensible advice about consular diplomacy, ad- ministration and management, recruit- ment and promotion, protocol and the spoken and written arts, to name just a few facets of the profession. This book will appeal to experi- enced diplomats, as well, through its sensible discussion of many career- long professional concerns. Among them: How does a modern foreign ministry transform itself from a “gate- keeper” to the “coordinator” of nu- merous other agencies, many of them domestic departments. What is the fu- ture of multilateral diplomacy? How do governments integrate diaspora communities into foreign policy? And how do diplomatic services deal with As its title suggests, the book not only explains the theory of diplomacy, but shows new diplomats how to practice their craft. 68 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / A P R I L 2 0 1 2 B O O K S