The Foreign Service Journal, April 2013

58 April 2013 | the foreign Service journal both local officials and other interna- tional actors); freedom of movement; the return of displaced people; the process of re-establishing democratic, multiethnic, local government and the rule of law; and providing a solid foundation for eco- nomic revitalization. As this diverse list indicates, navigat- ing these challenges in a postwar setting requires not just a deft diplomatic touch, but also effective management skills, a healthy tolerance for complexity, and the ability to juggle multiple crises at once. One of the more fascinating claims Farrand makes is that professional politi- cians such as, say, the mayor of a large city, may possess the best combination of personal qualities and skills to handle the demands of post-conflict civilian administration. I am not sure if I agree; it certainly didn’t work in the case of Hans Koschnick, the former mayor of Bremen who led a simi- lar, European Union-run administrative mission in Mostar. Still, the broader point that Farrand makes about the importance of identifying individuals with the right mix of temperament and skills for such missions deserves consideration. Those who are not intimately familiar with Bosnia may find the narra- tive confusing in places, especially given the numerous actors, events and political issues he covers, and the lack of a clear, chronological structure. However, careful readers will find their patience rewarded with perceptive observations about the practice of peacebuilding. Of particular interest are the author’s insights concerning the importance of developing and maintaining productive relations with other actors in one’s area of responsibility, and beyond. And not just local interlocutors, whose support of international peacebuilding goals may be mixed, but also other international officials—both civilian and military. Indeed, a key lesson from Farrand’s tenure, and that of his successors, is that personality and policy-driven conflicts within the international community are often far more debilitating than local spoilers. This is especially the case with missions located far from central offices. Farrand says that his purpose in writ- ing the book was to offer a “useful refer- ence” for those who may be faced with the difficult, and professionally risky, challenge of international peacebuilding administration in the future. Overall, he achieves this goal, despite the sui generis nature of both the supervisory regime and the Br č ko District it established. But what makes the book essential reading for those interested in postwar reconstruction and governance—and what sets it apart frommost books devoted to these topics—is its detailed and practical advice on how to identify and best navigate the various tensions inherent in these efforts. The critical insight that Reconstruction and Peacebuilding in the Balkans offers, in other words, is that how peacebuilding is done (practices) is as fundamental for the achievement of successful outcomes as what is to be done (policies). AdamMoore is an assistant professor of geography at the University of California, Los Angeles. His research focuses on ethnic conflict, civil wars and postwar reconstruc- books The Practice of Peacebuilding Reconstruction and Peacebuilding in the Balkans: The Br č ko Experience Robert William Farrand, Rowman & Lit- tlefield, 2011, $39.95/hardcover, $31.19/ Kindle Edition, 289 pages. Reviewed by Adam Moore One of the most contentious issues during the 1995 Dayton Peace Talks was the territory encompassing the north- eastern Bosnian city of Br č ko (which was controlled by the Republika Srpska) and its surrounding areas (most of which were controlled by the Bosniak-Croat Federation). Failing to come to terms, the contending sides agreed to settle the issue through international arbitration. In early 1997, the designated tribu- nal issued an initial award establishing an international supervisory regime. This body was charged with recreating multiethnic local institutions and facili- tating the return of ethnically cleansed former residents. Two years later it issued another award, which directed the supervisory regime to establish an autonomous, multiethnic district in the entirety of the Br č ko area. Retired Ambassador Robert ‘Bill’ Farrand served as the first supervisor of the Br č ko area (later designated the Br č ko District) from 1997 to 2000. Reconstruction and Peacebuilding in the Bal- kans: The Br č ko Experience —part of the ADST-DACOR Diplomats and Diplomacy Series—is a richly detailed account of his three years in that position. He has organized his book the- matically around several key issues: the supervisor’s political authority (vis-a-vis The critical insight Farrand offers is that how peacebuilding is done is as important as what is to be done.