The Foreign Service Journal, April 2019

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | APRIL 2019 5 38 The Tragedy of Venezuela Misguided tropical socialism destroyed one of Latin America’s most promising countries. Here’s how. By O l i ve r G r i f f i t h April 2019 Volume 96, No. 3 FOREIGN SERVICE Message from the Hill 12 BUILDing Better Development Financing By Re p re s e n t a t i ve Te d Yo h o 23 Reinforcing NATO for the Future At 70, the Atlantic alliance is a unique triumph of inter-state cooperation. What should be its “to-do” list for the future? By Ge o r ge Ro b e r t s o n 26 Global Shifts and American Political Will as NATO Turns 70 In a difficult moment, NATO’s historical success, together with current operational advances, will once again see the alliance through. By S t eve n Ke i l Focus on NATO at 70 30 Working with NATO to Address Hybrid Threats Globalization—the worldwide system of instant communication, finance and commerce—has given a dramatic boost to the phenomenon of hybrid threats, one of today’s central security challenges. By Ch r i s K rem i d a s Co u r t n ey 35 From the FSJ Archive: Perspectives on NATO NATO Feature