The Foreign Service Journal, April 2021

74 APRIL 2021 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL RETIREMENT SUPPLEMENT ing a former spouse or adding a new spouse. But you face a deadline to do so: one year for retirees in the “old” FSRDS retirement system, and two years for those in the “new” FSPS system. If you miss the deadline, you forfeit the oppor- tunity to elect survivor benefits. In addition, you likely will want to update your beneficiary designations for life insurance, annuity and TSP savings (see details earlier in this article). You may also wish to adjust your Federal Employ- ees Health Benefits election. Therefore, you should promptly report post-retire- ment marital changes to the Human Resources Service Center. For more information, see the 2021 Foreign Service Annual Annuitant Newsletter published by the State Department’s Office of Retire- ment at under the “What’s New?” tab. It is also on the AFSA website at 9. Survivor Benefits. If a Foreign Service employee dies, his or her agency automatically initiates the process of authorizing survivor benefits. But when a Foreign Service retiree dies, a next of kin must take the first step. Until that hap- pens, no benefits can be paid to survivors. Because our family members often are unfamiliar with offices and functions in Foreign Service agencies, AFSA created a list of steps to take in the event of the death of a Foreign Service retiree. The checklist is in the 2021 AFSA Directory of Retired Members (pages 23 and 24), and it is also posted at We suggest that retirees download and print the checklist (perhaps on a brightly colored sheet of paper), show it to your next of kin, and leave it in a place where they can easily find it if the need arises. 10. Keep Up-to-Date. Each November, the State Department’s Office of Retire- ment posts an updated Annual Annuitant Newsletter on under the “What’s New?” tab. Youmust access that newsletter if you need a form to change your health insurance during open season or to file an annual earn- ings statement if you receive the annuity supplement. But all retirees should at least skim through the newsletter tomake sure you are aware of important rules and pro- cedures governing your federal benefits. In addition, the 2021 AFSA Directory of RetiredMembers has 25 pages of guidance