The Foreign Service Journal, May 2003

An Exclusive Discount Program for AFSA Members Did you know as an AFSA member you could be taking advantage of dis- counts on subscriptions to top foreign affairs publications? AFSA’s Magazine Discount Program offers up to 75 percent off the subscrip- tion price of a number of excellent magazines. If you have considered subscrib- ing to one of these magazines in the past or would like to renew a subscrip- tion, contact AFSA’s Member Services for details on how to save money through this valuable program! AFSA Member Services (202) 338-4045, ext. 525 Magazine Regular Rate AFSA Discount Rate Title (2003 rate in U.S. (shipping not included, dollars for U.S. delivery) but may be free in U.S.) Far Eastern Economic Review $215.00 $193.50 Foreign Affairs $44.00 $22.00 Foreign Policy $24.95 $19.95 Europe-Asia Studies $239.00 $60.00 Mediterranean Quarterly $24.00 $18.00 Washington Quarterly $44.00 $35.20 Washington Post National Weekly $78.00 $39.00 MAY 2003 • AFSA NEWS 3 I n her welcoming remarks at the 25th anniversary reception for the Family Liaison Office, FLO Director Faye Barnes said it best: “The June and Ward Cleaver familyhas givenway tomanymore single parents, blended families, male spouses and foreign-born spouses in our communities today. Throughout these ongoing demographic changes, FLO has been there to help people help themselves through information and advocacy and to helpmanagement take familymatters into account when making policy.” The event was held in the historic Benjamin Franklin Room of the State Department. Alsospeakingattheeventwere Secretary of State Colin Powell, taking time off from calls to the Turkish Foreign Minister;DirectorGeneralRuthA.Davis;for- mer Secretary of StateCyrusVance’s widow,GayVance, whocontributedto the founding of FLO in 1978; and one of the FLO founders and for- mer president of theAssociatesofthe AmericanForeignServiceWorldwide,Lesley Dorman. ThecreationoftheFLOtookmanyyears of dedicated Foreign Service family mem- ber activism. It is hard today to imagine Foreign Service life without the support of the FLO or life at an embassy without the community liaison officers, the direct FLO link to the community overseas. The FLO assists Foreign Service employees and their families with the unique challenges of ForeignServicelife,fromevacuationsupport to family member employment searches, from networking assistance including Web and other communications tools to advocacy with overseas schools. For more information, visit FLO online at ▫ AFSA NEWS BRIEFS Continued from page 2 Family Members: Join AAFSW! The Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide is a nonprofit organization that has been representing Foreign Service spouses, employees and retirees since 1960. AAFSW is an independent advo- cate for its membership, giving members a stronger voice when working on common concerns, and a chance to enjoy shared interests. AAFSW represents the changing interests and concerns of spouses and families in today’s dynamic Foreign Service. Membership is open to all adult family members of FS employees at foreign affairs agencies who have served, or are subject to service, at a U.S. diplomatic mission. CONTACT INFORMATION FOR AAFSW: Mailing address: AAFSW, 5125 MacArthur Boulevard N.W., Suite 36, Washington, DC 20016 Phone: (202) 362-6514 Fax: (202) 362-6589 Web site: Membership questions: AAFSW’s print newsletter, “Global Link”: Questions concerning the Livelines e-mail discussion group: Inquiries concerning the AAFSW Playgroup: All other inquiries should be addressed to AAFSW headquarters at INSIDE THE FOREIGN SERVICE COMMUNITY FLO Celebrates 25 Years BY SHAWN DORMAN Left: Secretary of State Colin Powell cuts the first slice of cake at FLO’s 25th anniversary reception. Pictured with him is FLO Director Faye Barnes. Right: FLO Director Faye Barnes presents Secretary Powell with historical information marking FLO’s 25th anniversary. Continued on page 5