The Foreign Service Journal, May 2006

Economic and Social Council for East Asia and the Pacific. At various times he also served as chief or as a member of U.S. delegations to regional multi- national meetings. Mr. Rabin loved classical music, art and literature. He was a lifelong lib- eral. Mr. Rabin’s marriage to Margaret Spalding in 1946 ended in divorce. In 1976 he married Elaine Zweben. They lived in Maryland, Virginia and Oregon until her death in Portland in March 2003. Mr. Rabin is survived by three daughters from his first marriage and his sons-in-law, Margaret Rabin and Ray Myers of Salem, Ore., Kathy and John Cramer of Portland, Ore., and Debby and Wally Haupt of Golden- dale, Wash.; the stepchildren of his second marriage, Lisa Zweben of Lynchburg, Va., Marc Zweben of Washington, D.C., John Zweben of Portland, Ore., and Harry Zweben of Corvallis, Ore.; 12 grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter. Claude Gordon Anthony Ross , 88, a retired FSO and former ambas- sador, died Jan. 18 at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., of pneumonia complicated by an acute lymphoma. He was a resident of Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles, Calif. Ambassador Ross was born in Chicago, Ill., and moved to southern California in his infancy. He graduat- ed from Huntington Park (California) High School in 1933. After two years with the Los Angeles Daily News , he enrolled at Los Angeles Junior College, where he received an associ- ate of liberal arts degree with highest honors in 1937. He continued his education at the University of Southern California. There he was one of the first recipients of its Bachelor of Science degree in Foreign Service, graduating summa cum laude with membership in Phi Beta Kappa in 1939. He was active in student gov- ernment and extracurricular activities throughout his educational career. In 1937, he was a delegate to the Fourth Japan-America Student Conference. In 1940, Amb. Ross married the late Antigone Andrea Peterson (Lym- beropoulos) of Los Angeles, making him the first non-Greek to marry into M A Y 2 0 0 6 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 65 I N M E M O R Y u u