The Foreign Service Journal, May 2008

58 F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L / MA Y 2 0 0 8 W henEmbassy Belgradewas attacked on Feb. 21 by demonstrators angered by American support for and recognition of an independent Kosovo, a protestor ripped the brass embassy identi- fication plaque from the building’s facade. The plaque was later found in a pile of debris at the German embassy, which had also been attacked by rioters, by none other than the German ambassador, who returned it to U.S. Ambassador Cameron Munter. Amb. Munter turned the battered plaque into a one- of-a-kind award, which he presented to Regional Security Officer Tim Riley as “par- tial compensation for many sleepless nights and unwavering professional devotion to duty.” o A F S A N E W S Field Notes from Belgrade FROM BILL WANLUND, PAO BELGRADE AND FORMER FSJ EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBER BILL WANLUND U.S. EMBASSY BELGRADE U.S. EMBASSY BELGRADE Clockwise, from top: Burned debris removed fromEmbassy Belgrade; Ambassador CameronMunter (left) presents the special plaque award to RSO Tim Riley; scorched embassy façade. 2008 FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL READER SURVEY Comi ng Soon ! Since the FSJ began publication in 1919 as The Consular Bulletin , it has undergone numerous changes in design and content. To plan ahead, we need your help. The 2008 FSJ Reader Survey is your chance to let us know your views on our flagship publication and how it is meeting your needs today. Please watch for the survey and take the time to respond: ONLINE: An AFSAnet announcement will contain the link BY E-MAIL: Contact FSJ Business Manager Alicia Campi at INHARDCOPY: Call FSJ Business Manager Alicia Campi, (202) 338-4045, ext. 534, to request a printed copy Thank you in advance for your participation. Results will be published in the FSJ.