The Foreign Service Journal, May 2012
M A Y 2 0 1 2 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 7 It is time for Foreign Serv- ice officers to explain who they are, what they do and what the personnel term “generalist” re- ally means. In the context of a disciplined, national diplomatic service, it signifies a multifac- eted, multifunctional officer, expert in the practice and art of diplomacy. As with their military counterparts, FSOs are commissioned officers who have earned their status via a rigorous selection process, followed by highly competitive evaluations for promotion. No one thinks it makes sense to hire bird colonels from outside the ranks of the career military; the same principle should apply to our diplomatic service. In previous columns, I have high- lighted diplomacy as a forward-based, strategic asset for our national security and for the coordinated promotion of American interests and values overseas. For this purpose, an effective diplo- matic service is indispensable to help U.S. policymakers exercise American leadership in an increasingly complex world. And can we better do that through a well-regulated apprentice- ship system that recruits and grooms broad-based talent purposefully, or one that cherry-picks temporary expertise from outside the Foreign Service for one-off overseas assignments? The answer should be obvious. The current Foreign Service personnel sys- tem has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to produce a first-rate diplomatic service. It recruits generalists via a single com- petitive selection process open to all, and ensures that en- trants are subject to service discipline and worldwide avail- ability. Then, through assignments that ensure a mix of policy andmanagement experience, as well as bilateral, regional and multilateral expertise, it develops and prepares a cadre of able profes- sionals for executive responsibilities. Although the Foreign Service Act of 1980 is more recent, the 1946 Foreign Service Act embodies a more purpose- ful vision of the system that should un- dergird U.S. diplomacy. Modeled on the Navy’s personnel system, it re- stricted political patronage in favor of a non-partisan cadre of diplomatic serv- ice professionals. Three decades ago, the Foreign Service was the central component of the State Department. Increasingly, however, this has become less true as the ranks of the Civil Service and the number of political appointments have expanded. In fact, today the Foreign Service’s role is substantially dimin- ished, especially in front offices and in the functional/global policy bureaus. In the public eye and even within the State Department, the vague term “generalist” sells FSOs short and di- minishes the brand. In personnel lingo the termmeans that, in contrast to hav- ing a single, narrow, technical field of expertise—e.g., climate change, infor- mation technology, etc. — the general- ist officer ought to possess a broad and deep educational background in U.S. history and government, political and economic theory and practice, as well as cross-cultural communication skills and management and leadership po- tential. Those qualifications must be complemented by personal attributes of integrity, courage and adaptability to constantly changing environments. Moreover, to perform effectively, FSOs need in-depth knowledge of the diplomatic system and functions, in- cluding consular, which underlie inter- national order and negotiating pro- cesses. Such qualifications are not ac- quired overnight; nor are they easily at- tained outside the setting in which they must eventually be used. Diplomatic service is a demanding and often dangerous profession. Though today’s Foreign Service aims to promote excellence and is based on meritocratic selection, it is not elitist but broadly representative of the United States as a whole, and open to all. To ensure the desired caliber of pro- fessional diplomatic leadership, today’s State Department leadership must make the case for professional educa- tion and training, improve assignment policies and formulate clearer criteria for career advancement. P RESIDENT ’ S V IEWS Time for FSOs to Stand Up for the Foreign Service B Y S USAN R. J OHNSON
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