The Foreign Service Journal, May 2015

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | MAY 2015 31 Striking a Proper Balance Despite those objections, freedom of movement has already been severely constrained in many high-risk countries, many of which have even been desig- nated unaccompanied posts. Heavy travel restrictions are in place for U.S. government employees, and whole cities and regions are off-limits. This, then, is the dilemma the Foreign Service faces: Does modern security make diplomacy too difficult, if not impos- sible? Do access controls, designed to keep malefactors out, also keep out our own citizens, critical sources of information or the wider foreign public whom we seek to influence? Does a preoc- cupation with security outside the official compound lead to unnecessary travel restrictions? Does the need for all staff to travel in fully armored vehicles, or for an ambassador to have bodyguards, inhibit the practice of diplomacy? In short, is it now too difficult for officers to get out to gather the information they need or to interact with foreign officials whom they wish to influence, or to carry out essential program management and oversight? Based on my experience in the field and in Washington, I would have to say such concerns are somewhat exaggerated. When I was ambassador to Lima from 1989 to 1992, at the height of threats from Shining Path insurgents, our designation as a critical terrorist threat post never prevented me from car- rying out my responsibilities. Yes, I chafed under much of the protection and the occa- sionally intrusive steps required when I wished to travel outside the capital or attend a social event. But even though my entire staff and I were living under the constant threat of rocket attacks, car bombs and kidnappings, our team of RSOs made it possible for us to do our jobs and even travel to remote parts of Peru. Similarly, as DS assistant secretary, I traveled to critical- threat posts on every continent to see for myself how our enhanced security policies operated in real life. I found that Congress never appropriated enough funds to build all the chanceries needed to carry out the Inman Commission's recommendations. AP PHOTO/BRENNAN LINSLEY A U.S. Marine talks with an FBI investigator in front of Embassy Dar es Salaam on Aug. 15, 1998. Eight days earlier, bombs had exploded almost simultaneously there and at Embassy Nairobi, killing 224 people and wounding more than 5,000.