The Foreign Service Journal, May 2016

the Foreign Service journal | may 2016 27 The Foreign Service’s “up or out” structure will tell you when to go if you don’t decide for yourself. 2. Run your numbers. The Office of Retirement offers online resources to help you get an idea of what your monthly annu- ity will be. Do not forget the value of the health care benefit; it’s huge! 3. Focus on the things at work you really love. What aspects of your job turn you on and engage you consistently? Are those things you want more of in your daily life? What’s possible? 4. Breathe and step back. Envision a future outside of a daily routine. What’s your ideal day? What’s your calling? What’s the dream? 5. Consider some coaching sessions with a State Depart- ment coach (we have about a dozen available) to run through your ideas and your decision-making process. You’ll be amazed how a few powerful questions combined with hearing yourself talk about your future can propel you forward. (See Leader- ship Coaching on the FSI/LMS website or search “Leadership Coaching” in Diplopedia for more information and to apply for a coach.) 6. Assess why you are staying in the Foreign Service. What will be enough in this career? How will you know when you are satisfied? What more do you want to accomplish? This must be your answer for you, not a promotion board’s opinion of you. 7. Once you have decided to exit, enroll in the Job Search Program at FSI. It is absolutely superb, and an amazing depar- ture gift from the institution. And if you decide you aren’t ready to retire, if you have more to do, then please continue to thrive in your great work on behalf of the American people, their values and our country’s interests. This career is an extraordinary opportunity, presented to very few. Make it your own best and most extraordinary moment. Live while you can and enjoy an “ever after” that you create. n