The Foreign Service Journal, May 2017

The Human Resources Transformation The role of USAID in the world today is perhaps more impor- tant than at any other time in its history. Former Deputy Administra- tor Alfonso Lenhardt launched USAID’s Human Resources Transformation with this sentiment as he highlighted the importance of a highly functioning HR department to serve the needs of the agency and its workforce. The sentiment was further driven home in the Feb. 27 letter sent to the House and Senate leadership signed by 121 retired three- and four- star generals and admirals, conveying their experienced and strong conviction that elevating and strengthening diplomacy and development alongside defense is critical to keeping America safe. USAID FSOs are a critical frontline defense in prevent- ing conflict and advancing our national security interests. The military needs and wants strong civilian partners in the fight against the forces driving extremism—injustice, insecu- rity, lack of opportunity and hopelessness. Success in our THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | MAY 2017 49 increasingly complex operat- ing environment is vested in a strong Foreign Service. Honoring this demand and to better serve current and future administrations, USAID has prioritized the need to make systemic, long-term improvements to its operating and management systems. The HR Transformation process aims to ensure that the agency is supporting and empowering its staff around the world and thus retaining quality personnel, as well as responsibly managing hiring systems and authorities so that the agency has the staff it needs. Recognizing that people are the source of the agency’s strength, efforts at transform- ing HR to bring meaningful and lasting change to the way USAIDmanages its human resources are beginning to take shape. The reduction in force (RIF) of the 1990s, com- bined with USAID’s operating expense restrictions and inad- equate workforce planning, spawned both excessive tem- porary hiring and diminished professional development and training for career officers. The Development Lead- ership Initiative of 2008 provided some relief to the extreme shortage of career FSOs. Predictably, the rapid onboarding of the DLI career candidates strained structural weaknesses and highlighted many pain points, which are now being addressed by the HR Transformation. Member concerns have repeatedly cited lack of trans- parency in both the Foreign Service assignment system and promotion system. AFSA has consistently called for transparency in these two vital aspects of career manage- ment to help strengthen retention, development of expertise and increased morale at USAID. AFSA has also consis- tently called for the agency to include FSO input in the design of any changes that affect their lives. It is gratifying to see labor and management working together toward the common goal of designing new pro- cesses that improve agency operations. FSOs have been active participants in work- ing groups on these initia- tives and, as direct users of both systems, have uniquely well-informed perspectives on what is working and what is not. The roots of such col- laboration lie deep within the democratic heritage of our people and our nation, and I strongly encourage all USAID FSOs to keep up their enthu- siasm and commitment to participating in the redesign of these core components. We hope that clearer infor- mation on assignment bidding and performance manage- ment systems will soon be available, along with new tools to help FSOs navigate the process. As the redesign of both the assignment and perfor- mance management process continues, please take the time to review the docu- ments and webinars posted on the Office of Human Capital and Talent Manage- ment website, and share your thoughts with AFSA at and n Views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the AFSA USAID VP. Contact: or (202) 712-1631 USAID VP VOICE | BY SHARON WAYNE AFSA NEWS Welcome: AFSA President Ambassador Barbara Stephenson welcomed StephenWixom as the new FAS Representative. Consent Agenda: The Governing Board approved the consent agenda item, which was: the Feb. 1 Governing Board meeting minutes. FSGB Appointments: On behalf of the Executive Commit- tee, Retiree Vice President Ambassador (ret.) Tom Boyatt moved that the AFSAGoverning Board approve six appli- cants for consideration at the initial meeting with other foreign affairs agencies to determine the Foreign Service Grievance Board appointment recommendations to make to the Secretary of State. The motion was approved. n AFSAGoverning Board Meeting, March 1, 2017