The Foreign Service Journal, May 2024

FOCUS ON CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION BY ANTONY J. BLINKEN 22 MAY 2024 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL Antony J. Blinken is the 71st U.S. Secretary of State. Right now, our world is facing profound tests: The development of new technologies like artificial intelligence. The mounting effects of the climate crisis and the demands of the clean energy transition. The emergence of new powers and an escalating strategic competition. The persistence of deadly conflicts that fuel dire humanitarian crises and threaten regional, and even global, instability. In a moment like this one, American diplomacy is critical. The only way to solve problems today—and seize opportunities for tomorrow—is to work closely with our allies, learn from experts across the globe, and collaborate with leaders from civil societies and the private sector. Looking to the Future That’s why we’ve revitalized the power and purpose of American diplomacy, boosting our competitiveness at home and investing in our global network of partners. But today, as for the last 100 years, the effectiveness of our diplomacy also comes from the strength of our Foreign Service. For a century, the U.S. Foreign Service has helped solve global problems and shape a more open, secure, and prosperous world for Americans and for people in other countries. You’ve represented our nation with courage, character, and a commitment to our highest ideals. You have done this work in dangerous places; so many of you have Secretary Blinken holds a meet and greet with U.S. Embassy Georgetown staff and families in Georgetown, Guyana, on July 6, 2023. U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT/RON PRZYSUCHA