The Foreign Service Journal, May 2024

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | MAY 2024 27 USAID/BOSS COMMUNICATION AGENCY fix and manage the hospital. Today, the Kennedy Medical Center is the largest referral hospital in Liberia. And after Julius’s 28-year career at USAID, he would become the director of Morehouse College’s Andrew Young Center for International Affairs, where he would spend years imparting the skills he learned during his service to succeeding generations. Another FSO, Anne Arnes, worked in Pakistan in 2008 while the country was holding important parliamentary elections. After leading candidate Benazir Bhutto was assassinated, an alreadytense security situation threatened to turn into an explosion of grief and rage, casting into doubt whether the elections could go forward. Indeed, the partner in charge of overseeing election observation pulled out just two weeks before the election due to security concerns. Anne and her colleagues worked day and night, leveraging every relationship they’d built in Pakistan and back in Washington to find an alternative, ultimately setting up a replacement national election observation program in less than two weeks. With observers in place across the country, the elections proceeded without incident. As Anne put it: “That kind of ability, to work as a team and put exceedingly complex things together in a crisis and then carry through to completion—that’s AID at its best.” The dedication and hustle of people like Scott, Julius, and Anne have helped plant—and grow—seeds of prosperity, health, stability, and justice in the farthest reaches of our planet. I want to thank every one of our Foreign Service officers and all those who give so much to make your contributions possible: your partners, your parents, your children, and, in many cases, even your pets! You all represent the best of America around the world: compassion, creativity, an understanding of how interconnected we are—and an unmatched ability to deliver results. Here’s to the next 100 years of service. n Administrator Power takes a selfie with USAID’s local staff in Suva on Aug. 15, 2023. She met with local staff to understand their perspective on USAID’s priorities in the Pacific. Administrator Power (speaking) holds a working meeting with local staff from Papua New Guinea and the Philippines on Aug. 14, 2023. U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink (at left) and USAID/ Ukraine Mission Director James Hope welcome Administrator Power as she arrives in Kyiv by train on July 17, 2023. USAID/U.S. EMBASSY KYIV USAID/O2 VISUALS PNG