The Foreign Service Journal, May 2024

36 MAY 2024 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL 1952 Managing Diplomacy While I was stationed in Algiers during World War II, a Major General called to ask why a representative from the Department of State was permitted at Allied Force Headquarters. The General really wanted to know. … We now realize the need for the closest integration of politics and military strategy at all command levels to a point where even tactical problems can be decided in a manner which will best serve American objectives. … This will require a corps of thoroughly trained and oriented Department of State representatives working in closest harmony with our military establishment. —FSO Robert D. Murphy, May 1952 AFSJ. 1951 The American Foreign Service Journal is renamed The Foreign Service Journal, beginning with the August edition. AFSA incorporates in the District of Columbia, with about 2,000 active-duty and 500 associate members out of 12,000 eligible people. The Country Team Under the country-team concept, every American working for the Government in an official capacity in a foreign country takes his direction from the Ambassador, and is responsible to the Ambassador for all his actions and activities. In turn, the Ambassador is responsible to all the branches of government in Washington, through the State Department, for the operations of the team under his command. —Clare Boothe Luce, U.S. ambassador to Italy, June 1955 FSJ. A Teenager Reflects The Foreign Service child is always meeting new people. … Not only is he introduced to monocled British diplomats and middle-aged lady V.I.P.s, but he is also hopefully encouraged to associate with other little monsters his own age. Usually, the result of all this social maneuvering is a willingness to meet new people and a readiness to adapt to any new social situation. … I enjoy life in the Foreign Service and I wouldn’t trade a minute of it, from the time a Japanese obstetrician slapped my derriere fifteen years ago until now. —Don Emmerson, FS teen, November 1955 FSJ. 1953 Congress restores the Foreign Agricultural Service in the Department of Agriculture. Congress creates the U.S. Information Agency (USIA). Press and information functions, cultural diplomacy, and international exchange programs move from State to USIA. 1954 In what became known as Wristonization, State opens the Foreign Service to about 1,500 Civil Service employees and makes a similar number of domestic positions available to FSOs. 1955 International Cooperation Agency created within Department of State. 1955