The Foreign Service Journal, May 2024

46 MAY 2024 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL 2001 2005 9/11: The Challenge for U.S. Foreign Policy The horrible events of Sept. 11 set off a cataclysmic change in the United States that will in time echo around the world, much as a major earthquake ripples out from the epicenter and is followed by aftershocks. The al-Qaida assault did not just kill nearly 7,000 people from some 60 countries. It did serious damage to key attributes we have come to esteem as foundations of our global dominance and leadership, our financial sector, our superior information technology and our unmatched military machine. It also called into question the blithe Western assumption that “globalization” was beyond serious challenge. —Robert Oakley, FSO ambassador (ret.), November 2001 FSJ. 2001 AFSA objects to Secretary Powell’s name changes: Foreign Service Day to Foreign Affairs Day, Foreign Service Lounge to Employee Service Center, and Foreign Service Star medal to Thomas Jefferson Star for Foreign Service. 2003 AFSA win: Military Family Tax Relief Act provides exclusion from taxation on capital gains from the sale of a primary residence for FS members who served abroad for at least two of the previous 15 years. The World of FS Specialists Despite the impressive list of grievances, slights and complaints, most Foreign Service specialists do enjoy their work and value their careers and the accompanying benefits. As one OMS [office management specialist] wrote, “Where else but the Foreign Service will computer and office management skills take you around the world.” … The camaraderie that develops among specialists is another important plus for the job. —Bob Guldin, former FSJ editor in chief, September 2003 FSJ. What China’s Rapid Economic Growth Means Beijing’s rapid rise has raised concerns about its ramifications for the region and the rest of the world. The most immediate impact of China’s rapid economic growth has been on its Asian neighbors. China’s economic growth has also had a significant impact on U.S.-China trade relations and the U.S. economy. —Robert Wang, FSO and economic ministercounselor at Embassy Beijing, May 2005 FSJ. Family Values: Members of Household and the FS —June 2004 FSJ. December 2001 FSJ. 2002 Governing Board approves creation of AFSA-PAC, a political action committee. AFSA publishes all-new edition of Inside a U.S. Embassy: How the Foreign Service Works for America.