The Foreign Service Journal, June 2004 tentid=3322 ). Here, each “myth” of global warming is answered by its respective “fact.” For example, in response to the “myth” that the impact of human activities on global warming is uncertain, the site counters: “There is international scientific consensus that most of the warming over the last 50 years is due to human activities, not natural causes.” There are plenty of sites that are skeptical about the scenario of impending doom, to be sure, such as the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change ( http:// /). T he center’s mission statement says it seeks “to dis- seminate factual reports and sound commentary” on new developments in the worldwide scientific quest to deter- mine the climatic and biological conse- quences of the ongoing rise in the air’s CO 2 content. Most of its articles are very detailed and scientific, and cite evidence that challenges the current global warming theory. Another cautionary Web site is the Global Warming Information Page at ( ). This comprehensive site is divided into sections such as “updates,” “science,” “politics” and “economics.” Each sec- tion presents recent news headlines and articles regarding that particular topic. The site is a part of the “Cooler Heads Coalition,” a subgroup of the National Consumer Coalition, which was formed to dispel the myths of glob- al warming by exposing flawed eco- nomic, scientific and risk analysis. — Dwijen Jaydev Mehta, Editorial Intern C Y B E R N O T E S 14 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / J U N E 2 0 0 4 50 Years Ago... I believe that the Foreign Service will never be any better nor any worse than the men and women who are in it make it, and that we in the last analysis deserve what we get. If we had believed in ourselves to the extent that we should, we never would have taken what has been meted out to us during the past few years. — James B. Pilcher, Counselor of Embassy and Consul General at Tokyo, from “This I Believe,” an address to the Fourth Annual Consular Conference for Japan, reprinted in the FSJ , June 1954.