The Foreign Service Journal, June 2005

JUNE 2005 • AFSA NEWS 7 H ouseResolution120, sponsoredby RepresentativeEarlBlumenauer,D- Ore., commending State Depart- ment, United States Agency for Inter- national Development and U.S. armed forces personnel for their timely and compassionate response to the East Asia earthquake and tsunami of Dec. 26, 2004, unanimously passed the U.S. House of RepresentativesonApril 5. AFSAispleased to report thiswelcome recognition for our usually unsung heroes in the Foreign Service. AFSAPresident JohnLimbert sent a letter of thanks to Rep. Blumenauer on behalf of the Foreign Service. During an early-January House International Relations Subcommittee fact-finding mission to the region hit by the tsunami, Rep. Blumenauer saw first- hand the devastation from the tsunami and the recovery efforts being conduct- ed in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia. Following the trip, Rep. Blumenauer andRep. JimLeach, R-Iowa, testified before the HIRC, affirming the outstanding commitment of the State, USAIDandU.S. military personnel to the relief efforts. In his testimony, Blumenauer said: “Having seen thedifference that officials for the State Department and USAID, work- ing togetherwithourmilitary, aremaking to the survivors of the tsunami, highlights forme theneed tocontinue toenhanceour diplomatic, development andhumanitar- iancapabilities. Inorder todo that,wemust make sure that Congress provides the resources they need.” Noting that pictures of military rapid response teams “spoke volumes,” Blumenauer added, “…It is important that we also recognize the efforts of the civilians from the State Department and USAID, whodo the tirelessworkof diplomacy and development that formthebackboneof our foreignpolicy. They contribute day inand day out with far less fanfare and too often less of our support.” The resolution “commends the out- standing efforts in response to the earth- quake and tsunami of Dec. 26, 2004, by members of the armed forces and civilian employees of theDepartment of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development; recognizes that the actions of these individuals went above and beyond the call of duty; and thanks them for their service.” In his letter to Rep. Blumenauer, John Limbert noted that “this nation’s human- itarianresponse, both in theofficial andpri- vate terms, demonstrated the true heart of America in the face of this great tragedy. We are proudof our colleagues inboth the military and the Foreign Service for their dedicated and tireless work. I know they and all of us appreciate the recognition of theHouse of Representatives as expressed by H. Res. 120.” r CHEAP SHOTS DIARY AFSA Responds to Wall Street Journal Swipe at FS K eeping up the effort to respond to cheap shots against the Foreign Service, AFSA President John Limbert took issue with a March 31 edi- torial in the Wall Street Journal t hat includedyet another unwarranted swipe at us. The editorial, entitled “Bolton Endorsement,” took aim at the group of 59 former diplomats who signed a letter opposing the nomination of John Bolton for the post of U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. The editorial included the following remark: “We’ve scanned the list of this striped-pants set, and it looks tobeprecise- ly the crowd that has longplaceddiplomat- ic niceties above action.” JohnLimbert, in his letter, “Loyal Public Servants Are UnfairlySullied,”publishedApril8,saysthat the statement “disparages all thecourageous public servantswhoserve their country loy- ally inverydifficult anddangerous places.” Limbert continues: “The signers are mostly retired career Foreign Service offi- cerswhohave ably represented theUnited States incountries suchasGuyana,Nigeria, Mauritania, Iraq and Qatar. Far from putting ‘niceties above action’ in their careers, they helped keep terrorists and criminals out of theU.S., deliveredhuman- itarian and development aid, protected Americancitizens andupheld the values of freedomanddemocracy to foreigngovern- ments and publics in themost unpromis- ing settings. “One may legitimately disagree with their position on the Bolton nomination, but there was no need to derogate devot- ed professionals who spend their careers, and often risk their lives, in the service of their country.” r A RARE AND WELCOME THANK YOU FROM CONGRESS Resolution Honoring Tsunami Aid Workers Passes House Rep. Blumenauer (center) in Sri Lanka.