The Foreign Service Journal, June 2005

18 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / J U N E 2 0 0 5 riting in the Foreign Service Journal two years ago (Speaking Out: “Strengthen Diplomacy for the War on Terror,” July-August 2003), Senator Richard G. Lugar, R-Ind., observed: “This is an important time in our history, perhaps as pivotal as the beginning of the Cold War. … American foreign policy pre- vailed in the Cold War in large part because of the Department of State. In the new war on terrorism, too, we <None>can only prevail by skillful use of our diplomatic clout, public diplo- macy and foreign assistance, directed by a reinvigorated and replenished State Department.” Few members of Congress of either party have done as much as Sen. Lugar to live up to that call to action. During five terms in the Senate, including several years as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee (1985-1986 and 2003 to the present), Lugar has acquired a well-deserved reputation as one of his party’s most thoughtful leaders in the realm of foreign policy, among other issues. (He is also a past chairman, and current member, of the Agriculture, Nutrition and ForestryCommittee.) In recognition of his consistent support for diplomacy, on June 17 Sen. Lugar will receive the American Foreign Service Association’s award for Lifetime Contributions to American Diplomacy. National Security Leader Sen. Lugar has gained wide recog- nition as a leader on national security policy. Foremost among his initia- tives is the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, passed with strong bipartisan support in 1991. With the fall of the Soviet Union, he saw the grave proliferation risk pre- sented by Moscow’s vast arsenal of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Working with then-Senator SamNunn, D-Ga., Sen. Lugar crafted an ambitious program to safeguard and dismantle weapons of mass destruction in the former Soviet Union. The Nunn-Lugar program has dis- mantled a huge array of bombers, missiles, submarines and other launch vehicles. As of May 2004, it had destroyed over 6,300 nuclear warheads. Tens of thousands of scientists formerly engaged in research on weapons of mass destruction have been employed in cooperative pur- suits under Nunn-Lugar. It also facilitated the safe removal A T RUE F RIEND OF THE F OREIGN S ERVICE : R ICHARD L UGAR D URING 28 YEARS IN THE S ENATE , R ICHARD L UGAR HAS CONSISTENTLY SUPPORTED THE F OREIGN S ERVICE . T HIS MONTH AFSA IS HONORING HIM FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO A MERICAN DIPLOMACY AND A LIFETIME OF PUBLIC SERVICE . B Y S TEVEN A LAN H ONLEY Steven Alan Honley, a Foreign Service officer from 1985 to 1997, is the editor of the Journal . W Senator Richard Lugar