The Foreign Service Journal, June 2005

J U N E 2 0 0 5 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 69 S CHOOLS S UPPLEMENT grades to be sent after you graduate. • Recommendations from teach- ers and others who know your strengths. • Standardized test results such as SAT I and SAT II scores (these are sent to the colleges you specify through the College Board), as well as any AP (Advanced Placement) and IB (International Baccalaureate) test results, if applicable. • An application fee (usually around $50). You or your high school guidance department will put these packages together, and at least part of the application may be sent electronical- ly. But even with help, you will need to check the application require- ments of each college you are apply- ing to, as requirements do vary. Now, what exactly should you do throughout high school so that your college application will shine? Freshman and Sophomore Years • Make sure you have Internet access. A home computer with Internet access will make your col- lege search and the application process much easier. • Map your major courses for all four years of high school. This is the time to get on track with your high school courses in the sequence that you want. • Take the most challenging courses you can handle and get good grades. Your transcript is the most important part of your applica- tion. • Develop your extracurricular interests. You don’t need to have a finger in every pie, but you do need to find a few things, such as sports, the arts or volunteer work, about which you are passionate. Being a leader in a few activities counts for more than being a follower in many. • Find out about AP courses and IB programs, which general- ly begin in 11th grade. These pro- grams are not for everyone, but they do strengthen your application. • Consider how you will spend your summers. Kids back home often spend at least part of the sum- Continued from page 67 Continued on page 71 You need to find a few things, such as sports, the arts or volunteer work, about which you are passionate.