The Foreign Service Journal, June 2005

J U N E 2 0 0 5 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 87 S CHOOLS S UPPLEMENT received all of your tax documents early enough to get your taxes done by the financial aid deadlines, you can usually send last year’s tax return as a stopgap. Check with each col- lege for more information. • You will become intimately involved with at least one Web site that requires reams of infor- mation from you, as well as lots of red tape in processing the application online. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( a nd/or the College Scholarship Service Profile ( m/index.jsp) ar e forms required by most colleges’ financial aid offices. During the process of filling these out online, keep all blunt instru- ments away from the general area of the computer. • Now sit back … if you can. Once the financial aid applications are finished, the waiting game begins. Some days you’ll be anxious, other days philosophical. There may be surprise, disappointment, joy or all three around April 1, the day that most colleges mail or e-mail their acceptance and rejection letters. The main thing to keep in mind is that things usually turn out for the Continued from page 84 Continued on page 89 The waiting game begins. There may be surprise, disappointment, joy or all three around April 1, the day that most colleges mail or e-mail their acceptance and rejection letters. F R O M T H E J U N E 2 0 0 0 S C H O O L S S U P P L E M E N T Ani Stoyanova, “So Your Kid Is an Aspiring Artiste?” I f you decide that a boarding school specializing in the performing arts is right for your child, you should know that three American boarding schools are often cited for their high quality: Idyllwild Arts Academy in California ( ); In terlochen Arts Academy in Michigan ( ); an d Walnut Hill School in Massachusetts ( ). All three institutions combine intensive training in the arts with college-preparatory academic curricula and boast a high percentage of international students. Graduates of all three schools have gone on to the Juilliard School, the Peabody Conservatory of Music and Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Others have attended Yale, Columbia, Cornell and New York University. For more information about performing arts schools, contact the International Network of Performing and Visual Arts Schools ( ).