The Foreign Service Journal, June 2007
82 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / J U N E 2 0 0 7 S CHOOLS S UPPLEMENT far outnumber those on scholarship. Some FS kids have reported difficul- ty in relating to international stu- dents who have late-model cars, lux- ury apartments, etc. Some colleges and universities make internationalism central to their identity. For example, Macalester College has created a global focus to its programs and prides itself on being the alma mater of such international luminaries as Kofi Annan. George- town University takes advantage of its Washington, D.C., location to focus on international policy and politics. Some of the larger universities, such as the University of South Carolina, Purdue University, the University of Texas at Austin and New York Uni- versity, have thousands of internation- al students enrolled, according to the Institute of International Educa- tion. Ivy League schools seem to attract a large number of internation- al students as well. Study-abroad programs can be important to FS kids — because this is your first chance to go abroad without your family! You may well want to ask college officials what per- centage of students end up studying abroad for a semester or year. And Now for the Research… Now that you know a little better what you want, it’s time to find the Keeping your options open by applying to a wide range of colleges and universities will give you more choices. Continued on page 86
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