The Foreign Service Journal, June 2010

Cover I
Contents 3
Focus on the Consular Function 16
The Consular Revolution 16
An Interview with Assistant Secretary Janice L. Jacobs 21
Why Consular Interviews Matter 27
When Good Officers Go Bad 31
“We’re on Facebook” 35
Remembering Mary Ryan 39
Why I Chose Consular 46
Schools Supplement 62
Online Education: Unprecedented Opportunities 62
Schools at a Glance 73
AFSA News 49
Negroponte Interview Launches Lockheed Martin Series 49
FS Career Seminar Draws Full House 49
Annual AFSA Awards Ceremony 49
News Briefs / Aggeler 50
VP State—Wait a Second! They Have a Band? 51
VP Retiree—Health Care Reform 52
VP FCS—More Good News 53
FSPS and Sick Leave 54
Legislative Update: Health Insurance 54
The Lighter Side of FS History: Roadside Diplomacy 55
Classifieds 56
Departments 5
President’s Views—Treating Office Management Specialists As Force Multipliers 5
Speaking Out—Diego Garcia: Freedom’s Footprint, or Enduring Injustice? 12
Reflections—Where’s Home? 92
Letters 7
Cybernotes 9
Books 60
Index to Advertisers 90