The Foreign Service Journal, June 2011

J U N E 2 0 1 1 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 103 S CHOOLS S UPPLEMENT life experiences traveling the globe, meeting many different people and living in diverse cultures provide them the best foundation for as inde- pendent a future as they can have. They have a degree of confidence and maturity surpassing that of many “normal” kids. And that is something you cannot put a price on. Today, I find myself in Belize with both of my sons tucked away in boarding schools. Our younger son is doing very well as a senior at the Hargrave Military Academy, and Brandon is enjoying the busy life of a student at Riverview. It is during such quiet times that I realize that the life and experiences they have had will make them strong, confi- dent and successful men. It is my hope and prayer that other Foreign Service families find similar experiences for their special needs children. Dear Readers: In order to produce a high- quality product, the FSJ depends on the revenue it earns from advertising. You can help with this. Please let us know the names of companies that have pro- vided good service to you — a hotel, insurance company, auto dealership, or other concern. A referral from our readers is the best entrée! Ed Miltenberger Advertising & Circulation Manager Tel: (202) 944-5507 E-mail: You Are Our Eyes & Ears!