The Foreign Service Journal, June 2012

16 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / J U N E 2 0 1 2 household effects as we move from post to post and live in different places. We never knowwhen we might have to deal with a fire, a pipe break in our housing unit or robbery. One great fear among many For- eign Service personnel is the complete loss of household effects at sea or else- where. Fortunately, we can mitigate that risk through appropriate insur- ance coverage, so long as we have ac- ceptable documentation of what is insured. My firm recommends that clients maintain an inventory of belongings in a safe location outside the home, pos- sibly a safe deposit box or with a trusted friend or family member. Op- tions for taking inventory range from Polaroid pictures and videos of be- longings to handwritten lists. Now, however, software specifically designed for this task makes the pro- cess of listing and recording the prop- erty somewhat easier and far more ac- cessible worldwide. Putting these lists in a secure area on the Web makes them available anywhere, anytime. Some insurance companies offer in- ventory software to their customers. The companies generally link policy- holders to free software available to anyone such as Know Your Stuff and StuffSafe. Other household inventory services such as DocuHome, Lock- boxer, and Quicken Home Inventory Manager charge a fee, which can be monthly or yearly depending on the firm and service provided. What these firms provide is a secure place to create an inventory of house- hold belongings, photos of them and documents such as receipts, which can be used to substantiate their value. The process can become time-consuming when inputting model and serial num- bers, as well as purchase information. However, such details may prove in- valuable and worth the effort in the long run. Some software can accom- modate belongings in more than one property, an ideal arrangement for those on unaccompanied tours. Peace of mind for yourself and oth- ers comes from having the appropriate documents, keeping them up to date, putting them in a secure place, and let- ting someone know where they are. Explore the different options in terms of cost, security and access to deter- mine the best fit for your situation. But no matter what arrangement works out best for you, getting started is the most important step to take. Stephen H. Thompson, a retired For- eign Service officer and longtime AFSA member, is an associate planner with KeatsConnelly, a cross-border financial planning and wealth management firm. The views expressed herein are the au- thor’s own. F S K N O W - H O W Don’t forget to make your passwords available to others in the event of your incapacity or death. A time of service…a time of need Help for Seniors May Be Just a Phone Call Away— Home Health Care Adult Day Care & Respite Care Prescription Drug Copayments Transportation to Medical Appointments Durable Medical Equipment For more information, please contact the SENIOR LIVING FOUNDATION OF THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE 1716 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20036-2902 Phone: (202) 887-8170 Fax: (202) 872-9320 E-Mail: Web Site: The Senior Living Foundation may be able to help you or someone you know. Some examples of assistance are: SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION