The Foreign Service Journal, June 2012

AFSA NEWS J UN E 2 0 1 2 / F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L 45 American Foreign Service Association • June 2012 A FSA’s annual Memorial Plaque Ceremony is an opportunity to celebrate and recognize Foreign Serviceemployeeswhohavegiventheir lives in service to theUnited States. Held in the C Street lobby, it is AFSA’s official Foreign Affairs Day event each year. OnMay 4, SharonS. Clark’s namewas addedtoAFSA’sMemorialPlaques. Sharon died of cerebral malaria on Dec. 26, 2010, while assigned to the U.S. embassy’s regional security office in Abuja. U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria Terence McCulley, speaking for all at the U.S. mis- sion, said recently that Sharon’s death was a blow to the entire American communi- ty: “She worked in the Regional Security Office,perhapsthebusiestsectionofthemis- sion,” McCulley said. “But she was never too busy to offer a friendly word to a co- worker or a discreet bit of advice to her younger colleagues, or pitch in and con- tribute to theworkof another sectionwhen leaveor senior visits pulled folks away from the office.” Opening the Plaque Ceremony, AFSA President SusanJohnsonsaid, “To the fam- ilies and friends gatheredhere, I expressour deepest sympathy for your loss and grati- tude for Sharon’s service. Sadly, her trag- icdeathhascutshortwhatcouldhavebeen.” Johnson went on to read President BarackObama’smessage commending the workof ForeignServiceprofessionals from all foreign affairs agencies. By etching Sharon’s name into theMemorial Plaques, Pres. Obama said, we are “commemorat- ingherlegacyandthelegacyofallwhomade the ultimate sacrifice in pursuit of creating a better world.” Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights Maria Otero spoke next. “Sharon was a cherished member of the Embassy Abuja family. In addition to her role as an adop- tivegrandmother to localNigerianchildren, Sharon opened her heart and home to members of the embassy community,” Under SecretaryOtero said. “I hope you’ll indulgemeinreadinganoteIreceivedfrom Corporal Thomas ‘Fish’ Fischetti, who served with Sharon in Abuja, and who is now in La Paz. ‘One of my favorite memories was when Sharon threwme a surprise birthday dinner for my 21st birthday. Ihadno idea whatwas goingon; nor did I expect anything. She invitedall theMarines over and made my favorite foods, includinghomemade icecream. It’s a memory I will always treasure. From then on the Marines and I got randome-mails fromher, inviting us to ‘Sunday dinner at Mom’s,’ and all theMarines just calledher ‘Mom.’ She was one of the kindest andmost gen- uine people I have known. I amglad I had the privilege of getting to know her.’” Sharon was born in Indiana on May 17, 1953. ShemarriedTimothy V. Clark in 1973, and together they raised a family of three children: Michelle,DavidandMelissa. Oncethe childrenweregrown,Sharonpursuedagov- ernment career,whichultimately ledher to the Foreign Service. InFebruary 2008, she was sworn in as an Office Management Specialist and assigned to Abuja. Her col- leagues remember her as a “consummate professional.” “My mother had a love of nature and the outdoors and would always encour- age us to do things outside. She was an eternal optimist and kept an infectious Continued on page 49 Memorial Plaque Ceremony Honors Sharon S. Clark BY PAUL J. CARTER, AFSA STAFF (Top)FamilyandfriendsofSharonS.ClarkstandforthePledge of Allegiance, openingAFSA’sMemorial Plaque Ceremony on May4. (Bottom) AU.S.Marine lays AFSA’smemorial wreath, as AFSA President Susan Johnson looks on. PHOTOS BY DONNA AYERST